Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun pl] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , er we er , the provisos must be er that the er , that the prices or the costs at the Nuffield remain as competitive as they are at the moment , and of course , that we get the same very high quality that we er , that we already have .
2 When you consider that the event is only played on this side of the Atlantic once every four years I do n't think that the decision-makers at the BBC did the event justice , particularly with all the hype which went before it .
3 Although the children at the La Mane Centre were made to use their powers for the wrong reasons , when it came to using their powers when it mattered , both Carrie and Michael used them in order to kill and destroy .
4 Of course Mr Brooke and the others at the Northern Ireland Office wo n't give in to terrorism .
5 Although often referred to loosely as the " Yalta agreement " , the Commonwealth Soviet repatriation agreement signed on 11 February 1945 was quite separate from the main Yalta Agreement made between the Soviet Union and the Allies at the Crimea Conference .
6 While the crowds at the Broadgate arena were treated to a medley of Disney hits , including ‘ Zip-a-dee-doo-dah ’ and ‘ Whistle While You Work ’ , the obligatory Disney characters were wheeled out hand in hand with the company 's key executives .
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