Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the scope of the enabling Act is exceeded or the procedures set out in it are not followed , the secondary legislation thereby created is said to be ultra vires ( i.e. beyond the power given ) .
2 It is surprising how often this simple request is ignored and the spaces left blank or the numbers put down in any order but that asked for .
3 So when on 16 August the letter drops on the door mat , the phone call comes from school , or the lists go up on the notice board , teenagers who have failed to get the right grades for that coveted university of polytechnic place may feel that the world has come to an end .
4 Greve in Chianti is some 18 miles from the city — a town where the houses smile out at you above colourful balconies brimming with geranium pots .
5 ‘ There , where the leaves come down to the water .
6 Stunning views on the Neapolitan Riviera , family bays in Apulia , and tiny hidden coves , where the hills come down to the sea , on the Tuscany Coast .
7 I walk out on to the great parade-ground beyond , where the grandstands left over from Trooping the Colour are still displacing the more usual arrangements for Trooping the Parked Cars .
8 It was not , of course , private — simply a patch of sand directly beneath four Winds , where the rocks jutted out on either side so that it was screened from the rest of the bay and , at high tide , sometimes cut off from it .
9 where the hang-gliders push off from ,
10 If you approach the village from the north , however , along the D9 or D33 , you see that at the northern edge of the village , the vineyards bank up on both sides to form a hollow where the vines dip down to 120 metres , giving east and west-facing exposures on either side .
11 From there they went darting across the boiling surface like a dragon-fly , skimming with the currents where the banks were swept too open and smooth to hold flotsam , swinging aside round the sergeant 's paddle in the marked spots ; round the shovel-shaped end of Eel Island , which had scooped up a full load of branches , twigs , uprooted grass , and even more curious trophies , but not what they were seeking ; a little way down the sluggish backwater beyond , until motion ceased in stagnant shallows , and still there was nothing ; out into the flood again , hopping back on to the current as on to a moving belt that whisked them away ; revolving out of the race again where the trees leaned down into the water at the curve by the Lacey farm , acting like a great , living grille to filter out debris ; clean across the width of the river at the next coil , to where the long , sandy shallow ran out and encircled a miniature beach .
12 Shortly after midday the train reached Llangynog , where the passengers got out onto the new station platform .
13 In my own turfs we are quarrelling among ourselves with intense energy about whether women can be ordained priests , about who is more Catholic than their neighbour and about a whole host of internal issues , because we apparently have neither the grace nor the guts to face up to the real issues which are the business of the Church in the current world .
14 Immediately the men homed in on the dead animal with the single-mindedness of monsoon flies .
15 Does n't it recall the time when the church taught that our Earth was the centre of the universe , and the stars just little pinpricks of light set in the sky for our delight ( or , even more absurdly presumptuous , that the stars go out of their way to exert astrological influences on our little lives ) ?
16 It is understood that the companies set out in Schedule 2 , are , other than ABC GmbH and ABC Corp , wholly owned subsidiaries of ABC and will remain so at the time of the acquisition of ABC .
17 The Supreme Court , overturning a ruling by the High Court on March 16 , 1989 , ruled that such offences constituted political offences under Section 50 of the Extradition Act 1965 , and that the principles laid down in the case of Finucane also applied in Carron 's case .
18 His worry is not that these errors undermine any of their actual results : ‘ that the principles laid down by mathematicians are true , and their way of deduction from those principles clear and incontestable , we do not deny . ’
19 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
20 In the late eighteenth century the visionary French mathematical astronomer , the Marquis de Laplace , added some detail to Kant 's vision by proposing that the planets emerged out of the rings of cosmic dust flung off by centrifugal force from the densest part of the cloud that was to become the Sun .
21 The main change is that the periods laid down for these notices are now in days instead of hours : two days notice is required for the commencement of building works .
22 ‘ We think that the products coming out of this factory are of such a standard and quality that there is a very good potential to sell them into the market , ’ he said .
23 We have some sympathy , however , with those who have said that where property was settled before 26th March 1974 the trustees should have the opportunity , for , a limited period , to distribute the capital absolutely to individuals or create an interest in possession so that the rules set out for discretionary trusts will not apply .
24 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
25 Providing that the forms get down to the computer in London on time
26 Rule 74 of the Land Registration Rules 1925 ( SR & O 1925 No 1093 ) ( set out in full in Ruoff and Roper , Registered Conveyancing , Looseleaf edn , Sweet and Maxwell , 1991 ) specifies that the forms set out in the Schedule to those Rules shall be used where appropriate to the particular transaction concerned .
27 ‘ Only he forgot to make sure that the gnomes kept out of range .
28 But seriously , I know what I 'd do if I was HIS manager , and the sooner that the authorities wake up to the fact that THERE IS a leeds united discussion list , a bit of a to-do if you ask me , the better it will be for the game …
29 Recently released Home Office papers in fact show that the authorities drew back from prosecuting even the most blatant cases of anti-semitic propaganda both before and during the Second World War despite the fact that it was ostensibly being fought to destroy Hitlerism .
30 It was suggested earlier that the agencies set up during the nineteenth century to implement social policies were often ad hoc bodies .
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