Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Today , Declan does the biz … pretty much as Rod & the guys did by the sounds of it …
2 They include information on how to proceed if you are dissatisfied with the way a lawyer has handled your case or the diagnosis/treatment given by a doctor .
3 When property passes on death , it will go in the first instance to the executor appointed by will , or the administrator appointed by the court , who are charged with the duty of dealing with it and transferring it to the persons entitled ( see p. 114 ) .
4 Thus , for example , if the picture improver had been invoked , then the improved picture could be displayed , or the unimproved picture , or the changes made by the improver .
5 Or the society constituted by the class that traditionally was born to rule ?
6 This definition was used by Cohen to explain the response to youth in the 1950s and 1960s but it can be similarly applied to moral crises in the more distant past — one may refer by way of example , to the nexus of fears generated by the French Revolution , which significantly shaped the contours of ‘ Victorian ’ sexuality , or the anxieties which produced the legislative restructuring of the 1880s and 1900s , or the fears generated by the cold war in the 1950s .
7 Here are minutely detailed drawings of ‘ An ostensory of gold designed by Algardi … in ye church called ye Chiesa Nuovo belonging to ye Fathers of ye Oratory of St Philip Neri in Rome ’ ; of ‘ The crown wherwith [ sic ] Alexander first duke of Florence was crowned by ye hands of Pope Pius V at Rome ; of ‘ The Corna , or the crown worn by the Doge of Venice , kept in the Great Treasury of St Mark ’ , and many more numinous and valuable objects , now vanished .
8 The Government 's admission that they must return to that issue is another apology , but return they must , as anyone who considers what is happening in British Telecom — the bills paid by the customers or the salary received by the Chairman of that company — will be quick to point out .
9 The episodes related at any length , alas , are mostly very familiar , and available , dare one say it , in a number of other easily accessible books : the terrible saga of the first ascent of Eigerwand ( liberally intercut with Bonington 's reminiscences of his own exploits on this wall ) , or the carnage exacted by the Matterhorn on Whymper and party .
10 But there was nearly always a small group of so-called " mature students ' , who had failed to get to college when they left school ( due to illness , perhaps , or economic circumstances or the disruption caused by the Second World War of 1939–45 ) .
11 More straightforward were the comments recorded by Leonora Eyles of women in the early 1920s who declared that they would not mind married life so much if it were not for bedtime , or the anecdote related by a birth control pioneer to a 1930 conference on the provision of birth control information by public health authorities :
12 By the same token that we do not want to be able to identify Mrs. X , it would not be appropriate for me to reveal the exact nature of either the charge or the punishment received by the soldier .
13 Service of an originating process out of England and Wales is permissible without the leave of the court provided that each claim made is either : ( 1 ) a claim which , by virtue of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , the court has power to hear and determine , made in proceedings to which the following conditions apply : ( a ) no proceedings between the parties concerning the same cause of action are pending in the courts of any other part of the United Kingdom or of any other Convention territory , and ( b ) either : ( i ) the defendant is domiciled in any part of the United Kingdom or in any other Convention territory , or the proceedings begun by the originating process are proceedings to which art 16 of Sched 1 or of Sched 4 to the 1982 Act refer , or ( ii ) the defendant is a party to an agreement conferring jurisdiction to which art 17 of the said Sched 1 or Sched 4 applies .
14 Likewise , there is no single aspect of English Nonconformist life where the changes wrought by the nineteenth century are more obvious than in the position of ministers .
15 Where a rating authority had a statutory power , but no duty , to refund rates overpaid by mistake , the House of Lords granted judicial review and ordered repayment where the reasons given by the authority for its refusal to repay were held not to be valid .
16 This is an area which needs not only more consistency in the estimates underlying depreciation calculations but more meaningful disclosure , particularly where the estimates used by an airline vary considerably from industry averages ’ .
17 Thus requests for further particulars of allegations against an individual may be denied where the information received by the Secretary of State is of a highly confidential nature and relates to national security .
18 That authority will have the power only to prohibit the launch of the offer or to require the offeror to publish a corrected offer where the information furnished by the offeror is insufficient .
19 But compared with the world of De Carlo 's first novel , where the information garnered by the eye leads to no critical interrogation of reality , Palomar 's , and Calvino 's , project seems almost hopeful .
20 We can look to the USA where the role played by the National Commission for Preservation and Access has given this type of work a high profile , including recent projects on images .
21 Examples would be : where the act is not seen , as when the victim is asleep ; where the victim believes that the gun was unloaded ( Lamb [ 1967 ] 2 QB 981 ) ; where the victim knows by the accused 's words that the threat will not take place ( Tuberville v Savage ( 1669 ) 86 ER 684 ; or where the accused could not put his threat into effect : the usual illustrations are shaking a fist while on a non-stop train at a person standing on the platform and doing the same to a person standing on the opposite bank of a fast-flowing and wide river where there is no bridge .
22 UITF9 requires adjustments to be made where the distortions caused by the hyper-inflation are such as to affect the true and fair view given by those accounts .
23 Greater difficulties arise where the defendant comes by the information without notice of any restrictions on its disclosure .
24 When this happens in reciprocal discourse , in face to face conversation , where the discourse develops by the exchange of speaker role , then the situation can be remedied ( given the impulse to co-operate and to accommodate the reality of the interlocutor 's world ) by an overtly interactive negotiation whereby intention and interpretation are brought into an approximate convergence as required by the purpose of the interaction .
25 An option is , typically , a contract , a deed or a provision made by a testator in his will by which one party grants to the other the right to buy property , from him or his estate , at a future date .
26 A divided Church , adding to the divisions in a divided land ; or a Church led by a band of brothers ( and sisters ) as a healing force ?
27 Tony foretells difficulty or a journey followed by a successful issue in your
28 If the offeror is a subsidiary , or a company controlled by a consortium , the offeror should normally expect the Panel to look through the corporation and require disclosure of the ultimate holding company or members of the consortium .
29 The insurance is normally placed with a well known national insurance company or a company approved by the landlord .
30 Section 4 of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 adds a new and more important form of interlocutory relief , available in the county court and High Court , whereby goods the subject of present or future proceedings for wrongful interference may be ordered to be delivered up to the claimant , or a person appointed by the court , on such terms and conditions as may be specified .
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