Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the first [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Many companies give an indication of how easy ( or difficult ! ) each plant is to raise so I 'd suggest that for the first year you stick with fairly easy ones , perhaps trying a couple of ‘ harder ’ ones .
2 The motorbike slowed so that for the first time they could see the outlines of the rider , a derelict farmhouse appeared in its headlight beam and the car behind them started flashing its lights .
3 But on 20 September the Commission announced that for the first time it would take Britain before the European Court of Justice .
4 The intactness of the tomb meant that for the first time it was possible to analyse fully how the many objects found within it were used , and their ritual and social implications within the Sicàn culture better understood .
5 There was the added complication that for the first time there would be a period of five minutes or so when I would have to shut inside my satchel not only my outdoor shoes but my gym shoes as well .
6 Although there was widespread speculation as to the authenticity of the leaflets , experts believed that for the first time there was fairly solid evidence to show that the group was experiencing internal problems , with the possibility that a moderate faction had appeared to question the cult of leadership of Sendero leader Abimael Guzmán Renoso and his military strategy to bring down the state .
7 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
8 Then he realised that for the first time he was looking into the front of a hurricane .
9 While feeling a little sad at leaving , Mr. Offer said that for the first time he would be looking forward to an extra hour in bed in the morning .
10 This year it has an improved range which again highlights the benefits of Torsion technology , although for the first time it 's combined with injected EVA , rather than firmer PU which turned some runners away .
11 Cos if you left that with the first signatory you 'd never see it again .
12 She told Lily afterwards that from the first moment she saw him , she knew .
13 I think I see one problem with , we 've put site investigation and flagged the price I think , whereas if we 'd said that we require site investigation work to be undertaken by the project manager , we 've really got to decide the level of site investigations , so that in the first instance we 've got ta approach the soil mechanics and determine from them what , what we need from them .
14 Of course you could try a tantalising headline but do remember that in the first instance you have to attract the attention and interest of the journalist or editor , who is not going to be tempted quite as easily as the reader might be .
15 Chairman , thank , thank you very much indeed erm Chairman , I will in fact and er perhaps if I read that in the first instance I have n't circulated it erm if I read that the first instance it will set the of what I have to say .
16 I think that the hon. Gentleman knows that in the first instance it is for the mineral planning authority to decide whether to revoke the planning consent for extractions and whether such action is warranted .
17 If it is always assumed that they are intellectually inferior , what else is there for them to do … every time teachers are constantly amazed by the fact that in the first year they have at the moment there are two or three really bright West Indian boys , and it 's of constant amazement to people like Mr G … ‘ my goodness he 's bright where does he get it from ’ .
18 CIMA , an original signatory , reports that in the first year it has ‘ set up an informal network to encourage women to stand for office on the Council ’ .
19 TI said that in the first quarter it will start knocking off Tsunami derivatives , differentiating features such as cache size , floating point and Sbus according to customer demand .
20 I think that er the point was brought out very recently , I ca n't remember even by whom , of the fact that in the first paragraph it says the most needy in our society and further on it says for those in most financial need .
21 William Dement woke six subjects in this systematic way over a period of six nights , and found that on the first night they did seem to " start all over again " whenever properly woken , so that by the end of the night they had achieved a good deal of slow wave sleep and very little REM sleep .
22 It was made easier for companies to set up their own schemes and for the first time everyone would be given the right of a personal pension of their own .
23 At this point , Scorsese 's vision freezes — as it will throughout the movie — and for the first time we hear Henry 's thoughts on the matter .
24 At this point , Scorsese 's vision freezes — as it will throughout the movie — and for the first time we hear Henry 's thoughts on the matter .
25 The impact of the section has been very broadly based in the city , and for the first time we 've added for you in very brief terms , a Domiciliary Health information of just the total number of visits made by the city health care , erm and the level of work in terms of notices served , and prosecutions , note , going up in most of the sections , particularly their units they 're small numbers , but they are significant , just the same , and the table on the top of page forty-four , erm as I said earlier , I think we reached the highest level of insect complaints in the summer that we 've ever had to deal with , it 's very usual for us to deal with a thousand , over in the summer period , this time we dealt with sixteen hundred .
26 One looks at a star , one sees radiation from an object which may have a surface temperature of many thousands of degrees — in fact , internal temperatures of millions of degrees , but with a radio telescope one 's looking at very , very cold regions and these were totally inaccessible before the advent of radio astronomy , or of this type anyway , and for the first time one was able to see material spread between the stars rather thinly , but in fact in a very cold state .
27 It is eager to scotch rumours that the withdrawal of the Official Custodian will mean that its COIF ( Charities Official Investment Funds ) common investment funds will also disappear , and for the first time it has issued a brochure to advertise its products .
28 For many women in coal communities it provided the only wage labour available to them , and for the first time it provided wages for the work they 'd always done .
29 It is a language that needs a large memory capacity and for the first time there were machines available to use it .
30 The couple begin to lead separate lives and for the first time there is public concern over the marriage .
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