Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [det] [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 A widespread factor is found where real or suggested expertise is involved in a transaction and where at the same time it may be assumed that the customer is ignorant about what it is he is paying for .
2 The difference is that in the former case it is the teachers and support staff who use the systems , while in the latter it is the learners .
3 It is that in the former situation it will be possible to adduce evidence as to established professional practice with which the defendant 's actions can be compared , whereas in business , while it may be clear what steps should be taken before a decision is made , it is not obvious by what criteria the decision itself should be judged .
4 US officials reportedly expressed concerns that the Soviet side had drawn back from previously agreed elements of the START treaty , and that at the same time it appeared to be adopting a less conciliatory stance on other arms control and disarmament issues , such as the ceiling on troops in Central Europe and the outline of an " Open Skies " treaty agreed in February [ ibid . ] .
5 He will tell members of the county 's public protection committee that at the same time it has become increasingly difficult to man the main consumer advice centres in Durham , Darlington and Bishop Auckland .
6 In the former case D18 will be lit and in the latter case it will be extinguished .
7 There is an instruction which compares two fields for equality or non-equality , and in the latter case it indicates which field is greater .
8 An inquiry into the killing of over 50 striking workers in Gdansk in December 1970 led in December 1990 to the arrest of three generals and five colonels , and in the same month it was announced that investigations were being held into the introduction of martial law in 1981 .
9 De Gaulle , at Brazzaville in 1944 , may have believed that France , of all the imperial powers , would choose nobly and liberally in a new era ; on a more mundane level and on the same occasion it was also agreed that ‘ access to the riches of all that bears the French name is the most certain measure of our country 's return to grandeur ’ .
10 It feels very reassuring to the person and at the same time it allows them to become accustomed to your touch .
11 It 's preferable to obtain pot-grown plants , making absolutely sure they are well-rooted , and at the same time it pays to inspect for any visible signs of disease or disorders .
12 If an EM field is applied to the cell , the cell 's EM activity becomes aligned to the nature of the applied field and at the same time it re-arranges its intracellular components accordingly .
13 where women examine themselves erm , if its the mother or the granny er did I bring him up wrongly , erm the girl friends or wife 's er is it something that I did n't understand and at the same time it er really changes their lives
14 And at the same time it draws attention away from your activities here in the Wilds .
15 A fairly long , extremely active and relatively well-documented royal life like that of Charles the Bald can serve modern students as a thread through the maze of complex power-relations , and at the same time it leads back to the heart of events .
16 It turns from Proust 's text and looks outward to the language system in general ; and at the same time it represents de Man 's voice speaking from outside and intruding into Proust 's text .
17 On March 21st , a despatch from Falkenhayn admitted that Rupprecht had been right about the British not being able to take the offensive , and at the same time it ordered the withdrawal of three of his divisions for the general reserve .
18 In a provocative comparison of the failures of the French and Russian revolutions , he argued that the problem stemmed from the fact that no class , whether proletarian or bourgeoisie , can become the ruling class without taking upon itself something of the historical role of a ruling class — especially if at the same time it also considers that , history carries within itself its own cure' :
19 How can man make history if at the same time it is history which makes him ?
20 Homogeneous ‘ simple labour ’ is not inexorably established as the norm for wage-labour in capitalist economies , and by the same token it is not inevitable that a uniform structure of division of labour within enterprises will progressively undermine any ties of social identification other than those of ‘ class ’ .
21 The Board of Trade 's official figure for 1892 was 20,000 and for 1893 , 15,000 but for the latter year it may actually have been less , little more than 12,000 .
22 It 's also a colour of cold — and we have n't had much of a summer this year — but at the same time it reminds me of the warmth and tranquillity of a Claude Lorrain .
23 But at the same time it showed that there remained a solid contingent of the defence force loyal to General Noriega , who is wanted in the US on drug-trafficking charges .
24 But at the same time it reinforced the message that children in need were not characteristically children whose parents were abusive or neglectful .
25 But at the same time it is surely doing more than assert what God is not .
26 He or she may — and probably will — possess a more subtle view of ‘ professionalism ’ than the capacity to deliver examination results , but at the same time it is well known that many parents and politicians see those results as the crucial way by which schools account for their success or failure .
27 This range expresses the resourcefulness and imagination of user education librarians , but at the same time it may express some uncertainty with orientation techniques and , indeed , library orientation itself .
28 The stone referred to here is clearly a symbol of God rather than an embodiment of God , but at the same time it has an element of sacredness , which is what Gandhi may be implying when he maintains that God resides in the stone in a special way .
29 I 'll sit there and watch some guy and go , ‘ Man , the work that must have gone into that ! ’ and they 're just whizzing right along making it look easy , but at the same time it does n't make those hairs stand up .
30 The SJ-20 's general tone is rich and deep , but at the same time it 's still quite a controlled and well-balanced instrument ; I 'd say it falls somewhere between the ‘ Martin' and ‘ Guild ’ camps in character of sound .
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