Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 These can either run off the public-telephone network , or off the smaller PABXs that control businesses ' own in-house telephone systems .
2 He pulled up his roots a second time and moved to another new land , Germany , where during the twelve years that were left to him he accomplished a ‘ ballet miracle ’ , building not merely a repertory and a company in Stuttgart , but a whole new public attitude that affected other theatres throughout the country .
3 At the time , and indeed until much later , I had no knowledge of Mrs Castle 's objections or of the many discussions that had taken place on this subject at government level .
4 Clearly he was not an opponent of royal authority , or of secular policies , or of the warlike activities that these policies required , or even of Rufus himself .
5 Or into the small money-box that each child had .
6 John Major 's inquiry should be held in public , not behind closed doors or with the usual excuse that publication would ‘ not be in the public interest ’ .
7 Lysette has no fears that her marriage to hunky Luc will wind up like a scene out of Husbands and Wives or with the heartbreaking headlines that Woody and Mia have endured .
8 Our minds ca n't cope with the large distances that astronomy deals in or with the small distances that atomic physics deals in , but we can represent those distances in mathematical symbols .
9 An application to the bishop for permission may be met with either incomprehension or with the calm statement that there is already a church in the neighbouring parish .
10 This was done from affection or duty or in the certain knowledge that those who helped would someday need similar help themselves — as a form of insurance .
11 Sent off no less than 20 times in his career , Johnson is a surprisingly quiet and tender man who lashed out at opponents , either on the spur of the moment or in the heart-felt belief that rational behaviour was for lesser talents .
12 But although it had now been raining for several hours , there was not the least damp or cold either in the deep runs or in the many burrows that they passed .
13 There is , however , always the problem of knowing whether the fault in the mediation process lies in the validity of the principle or in the particular techniques that have been used to operationalize it .
14 There is no check in either of the two grand pianos or in the square piano that survive ( illus.13 ) .
15 For the hundreds of thousands of Spanish — and non-Spanish — democrats and leftists who fought and died in the Civil War or in the horrendous repression that followed , the forces against which they struggled differed in few essentials from those that had recently brought dictatorship and oppression to Italy , Germany and Austria .
16 The highly selective description of individual items in a kitchen which was contained in the broadcast did no credit to British manufacturing or to the enormous improvement that it has made , and it was a gross distortion of the facts .
17 For the small producer , subcontracting to a TNC , the system is prohibitively expensive and the expertise required to run it is considerable , so it tends to be controlled by TNCs , or by the gargantuan retailers that they supply .
18 Undistracted by Rainbow 's presence , or by the white noise that pulses continuously around Anya 's troubled soul , I perform a little self examination , to sound out the position of the binding points , and decipher the formulae that pin me down .
19 There was no movement except for the tiny spider that was crawling up Nicky 's arm .
20 Not a leaf moved , except for the dead leaves that Clare trod on .
21 But on the North American mainland , colonies had been affected very little by the earlier wars among European countries ; except for the brief clash that had led to the Dutch loss of New Amsterdam the colonies had fought only with ill-armed Indians and had won their little wars without help from England .
22 Then he laid her on the bed and feasted his eyes on her , slender and seductive , totally naked except for the glowing ruby that flashed fire whenever she moved her hand .
23 It should also be remembered that during the 14 years that the African elephant was listed on Appendix II , some 700,000 elephants were slaughtered .
24 It may seem intuitively plausible that as the observational support that a universal law receives increases , the probability that it is true also increases .
25 There is no more evidence for these suggestions , however , than for the possible suggestion that the office was largely honorary and created ad hominem for Molla Fenari , perhaps as an inducement to return from Karaman or as an additional honour when he did return .
26 During assessment , it was more frequently the case ( approaching significance ) for the specialist team than for the other teams that more than one visit was made to the client .
27 I am pleased that through the good settlement that I was able to give to the Arts Council of Great Britain for the year ahead and , through it , the Welsh Arts Council , the Welsh National Opera 's overall income from the two arts councils will rise by about 7 per cent .
28 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
29 One of the very satisfying factors is that despite the difficult times that some companies are facing , they are continuing with their sponsorship of the arts , often in partnership with my office , through the business sponsorship incentive scheme award .
30 I was hoping to miss that one , because you might be trying to persuade me that I should erm , partake rather more of healthier food , than of the unhealthy food that I do eat .
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