Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sometimes one does n't get results , or at least sometimes the results are hard to measure .
2 ( iii ) Remove the supernatant , except for about twice the volume of the pellet .
3 However , we now have a chance to remove the fear from the minds of women that for too long the attitude to rape has been based on the unspoken belief that , in the end , no woman will refuse the sexual advances of a dominant man and that ‘ No ’ , whatever the circumstances in which it is said , is simply a ‘ tease ’ and that women never mean it .
4 It is little wonder , then , that until quite recently the Ministry of Agriculture , mindful of its responsibility to increase the production of as much cheap food as possible , gave grants to farmers for hedgerow removal .
5 ‘ But the style of rugby I saw in August over there , and that we have seen on their tour of France and England , indicates that before very long the Springboks will be up there with the best .
6 However , in the spring of 1989 the Japanese Ministry of Finance relaxed some of the restrictions on arbitrage , and from then onwards the mispricings declined substantially , so that there were very few arbitrage opportunities by the end of the data period .
7 erm no doubt there 'll be lots of inquests as to why and what and everything else but we did lose that and we lost it badly and from then onwards the outcome was pretty inevitable bearing in mind the erm views of the independent .
8 So he stood with her , and held her , and very soon nature began to teach them both what to do , and before very long the neighbours heard a little shriek come from Pascoe 's cottage , and the old wives glanced and nodded to each other , content that the marriage had been consummated , and anxious to share with each other reminiscences of their own experiences in similar circumstances .
9 But , as we all know , beauty is only skin deep — it is more likely that the new breeds were favoured because they grew faster and to almost twice the size of bronze strains .
10 Her husband Adrian , a mental nurse , called the midwife from time to time and at about 7.30pm the midwife told the registrar .
11 It had never been so low , and by then virtually the whole of the ( non-Neath ) rest of Welsh rugby was pulling against the national team .
12 But for too long the cry of librarians disposing of books willy-nilly has been : ‘ You worry too much .
13 Naturally , this did n't affect her competence to teach at the University of Oxford , because until quite recently the place preferred to treat modern languages as if they were dead : this made them more respectable , more like the distant perfections of Latin and Greek .
14 Now then I was going to ask one simple question and that is , has anyone thought about keep sending postcards to people , er if the , erm reply is going to be delayed in any way , because at least then the person if there 's sufficiently good reference will be able to , phone up and say look you know , yes I 'm not happy , it seems to me that that would be a way forward on that , erm .
15 For until very recently the police made no concession to black street culture , but instead rigidly interpreted and ruthlessly enforced statutory norms of public order , first through the notorious ‘ Sus ’ law ( abolished after a long campaign by black and civil liberties groups ) and then through routine powers of search and arrest .
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