Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] same time i " in BNC.

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1 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
2 ‘ I knew I had n't done anything to Joanna and at the same time I was totally confused as to how it could have happened . ’
3 I eat carefully , my heartbeat quickens nervously when the portions offered are too big , and at the same time I 'm trying not to draw attention to my small plateful .
4 He had a stubborn determination about him , and at the same time I think he was really exhausted ; he was really exhausted , physically and emotionally .
5 At 1.15 a.m. , however , the bite alarm on my flake-baited rod shrills out its sudden warning , the silver foil smacks the rod and at the same time I grasp the cork butt and drive the hook into a lip .
6 I applied to correspondence courses for writing , I joined a music workshop , and at the same time I had to rush into a job , as I came over with just one bag and no money . ’
7 And at the same time I could n't help seeing Barber was a bit of a sham .
8 I believe in a competitive world , but at the same time I think we have got to be laying sound foundations for future growth and if we are constantly pressured into satisfying stock-market expectations , which are short-term , or under threat of take-over , we will not be investing enough for the long-term development of our businesses .
9 But at the same time I want to stress how crucially important to CAFOD are the offerings from the coming Family Fast Day .
10 I half disapproved of these costumes , they made me feel uncomfortable , but at the same time I admired and envied her , she was so original and unconcerned .
11 I sha n't be trampled on , Flick , do n't you worry — but at the same time I sha n't go through life as gracefully as you , or with a flourish of trumpets like Gay .
12 The irresponsibility of this helped me to escape the force of the problems , but at the same time I was constantly troubled by suspicion .
13 ‘ It was great for doing Wes Montgomery , but at the same time I was playing Hendrix and Bloomfield and all kinds of stuff on this poor old hollowbody — and I was using Marshalls as well !
14 But at the same time I want to go to parties .
15 I paused to marshal all my heartfelt arguments against the cruise-cure , but at the same time I felt a sudden and oceanic surge of homesickness .
16 But at the same time I was learning the lesson that such behaviour is not acceptable to adults , to whom I presented a different personality .
17 Here is another of the paradoxes of anorexia nervosa : I must , in my unconscious , have wanted to grow up , but at the same time I was determined not to , because the models of potential adulthood with which I was presented were either repugnant or impossible to attain .
18 But at the same time I should like to show that the speaking is by no means straightforward speech .
19 But at the same time I dimly knew that they were somehow successful human beings and that I , I alone , was not .
20 But at the same time I 've got a cartoon girl I 'm dying to get it on with .
21 But 60-year-old Bill has hit hard times and said : ‘ I do n't want to sell my memorabilia but at the same time I refuse to sign on the dole — I 'm too proud for that . ’
22 ‘ I did , but at the same time I felt like I understood Manson because , maybe in a superficial way , I felt like I naturally spoke like him .
23 Darling , I am sorry for you , but at the same time I am sure that one day you will be very glad things have turned out the way they have .
24 But at the same time I keep asking , Why ?
25 I was walking along with my girl and I see my old man and I was scared , you know , smoking , but at the same time I did n't want to throw it away because my girl was there , you know , and she 'd see it , and I just kept on walking and my old man stopped and said to me , ‘ Give me a light ’ , and I give him a light , and he said , ‘ I 'm away to the shops ’ , and I was , you know , thinking , I can get away with this .
26 but at the same time I would want to afford er , you as heads of departments er er everybody 's heads of department a little bit of leeway what i what if , what wa wa we have to be careful about this that we set a standard but allow a little leeway because all departments are slightly different and want to approach things
27 It mocked me , but at the same time I knew I was in danger of surrendering to it , that damned semblance of what I wanted — I was being weakened by it , seduced into yielding to your power over me , and it 's so much more comprehensive than my one-dimensional influence on you .
28 But at the same time I revelled in the unlovely sound because it might be the saving of my miserable life .
29 She reminded me that I was a married man — forbade me to approach her or speak to her again in that way , but at the same time I knew I had made her think about the old days — the attraction we 'd had for each other which she could not deny .
30 But at the same time I 'm proud to say that I 'm a member of the T an er of the G M B
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