Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As you get older , and your age group moves up the pyramid , getting slightly smaller , do you think that your group will need more , less , or about the same number of houses , hospitals and other services as those who go before you ?
2 Payment shall not be made to the Insured Person under more than one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) in respect of the same injury or of the same period of disablement .
3 To construct a yield curve correctly , only bonds from a homogeneous group should be included — for example , only bonds from the same risk class or with the same degree of liquidity .
4 Lanes 8–10 competition experiment : extracts of N-Oct 3 transfected COS 7 cells were incubated before EMSA with no specific competitor DNA ( lane 8 ) , with a 250-fold molar excess of wild type unlabelled octamer probe ( lane 9 ) or with the same amount of a mutated octamer probe ( lane 10 ) .
5 It should be noted , however , that there were several branches of the Leapor family in Brackley , and that the same Christian names were repeated over generations or within the same generation to such an extent that it is difficult to separate families , or even to identify individuals .
6 If the QDMs remain within 3° to 4° of each other when homing , or within the same amount of a desired track QDM , then do n't change heading .
7 The same sound may well be written with different symbols , even in the same language session or in the same word on different occasions .
8 The first is where the Act is silent or ambiguous on any given point and the second is where the court in a decided case has given a particular interpretation to a section of the Act ( or to the same section in the original Act of 1893 ) .
9 However , I am out of mine on Thursday and Friday , but you are very welcome to telephone me a home over the weekend on , or on the same number on Monday the 26th of April .
10 She is looking for applicants who have some experience in child care and can be contacted today at Belfast 629274 , or at the same number from May 29 to June 1 .
11 We found that for the same journey in the same conditions , our average mpg shot up to 52 .
12 More than 77,000 people have visited the exhibition to find out for themselves already this year — that 's almost 28,000 more than for the same period in 1991 !
13 To say of two linguistic expressions that they have the " same meaning " , at best , is to say that under the same sort of conditions , they can be used in the same way , to the same effect .
14 In the British Medical Journal a Bristol hospital claimed that 24 car drivers were admitted after accidents in February , 18 less than in the same month in 1982 .
15 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
16 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
17 This was much more than in the same period of 1973–75 , slightly more than in 1980 and similar to the decline in the first nine months of the 1981–82 recession .
18 The Chancellor said in the first nine months of 1992–93 the Employment Service found jobs for 31,000 unemployed disabled people , 25 per cent more than in the same period of 1991–92 .
19 Western German GDP in the first quarter was 3.2% lower than in the same period of 1992 .
20 In the first 11 months of 1992 Brazil exported 15m bags of coffee — 14% fewer than in the same period of 1991 .
21 Group sales in the first two months of 1993 were ahead of internal forecasts and substantially higher than in the same period of 1992 .
22 But the £117 million operating profit in this sector in the last quarter of 1992 was 27 per cent higher than in the same period of the previous year .
23 That is a lot less than in the same period in 1990 ( 9m man-days ) , but this year those first three months also saw a startling 8% fall in GNP .
24 Pfizer reported net profits of $274.7m for the third quarter of 1991 , 13 per cent higher than in the same period in 1990 .
25 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
26 In the first 20 days of December , car sales were 30% higher than over the same period in 1991 .
27 As a codicil to this I should tell you that at the same time in another part of the camp , the National Union of Miners were holding some sort of conference themselves .
28 Business sales have also fallen more sharply than at the same stages of the 1973–75 and 1981–82 recessions .
29 Company liquidations have increased more sharply recently than at the same stage of the last recession , when defaults significantly lagged the deterioration in companies ' financial position , but corporate indebtedness has been much higher both at the outset of the recession and subsequently .
30 The danger of inflation was underlined by figures which showed that there were 15,400 million lei more in circulation on May 21 , 1990 , than at the same time in 1989 .
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