Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There has been a steady rise in the number of women returners and ‘ apart from women who do not want to let go of that career , there are all the millions of women faced with the fact that either their income will enormously increase the lifestyle of their family or without that second income they will be very hard pushed to cover the basics .
2 ( The main reasons for taking this approach is that for dynamic handwriting recognition it is necessary to select the correct information shortly after the word was written — it may not be possible to wait for the user to finish a sentence or clause . )
3 A hawfinch has such a powerful bill that with straightforward muscle power it can crack a cherry stone or even an olive pit .
4 Just in case you 're tempted by knockdown prices on old style monitors , by the way , you should bear in mind that in four years time it will actually become illegal to use them at all at work .
5 We hope that in this Lenten Appeal we 've been able to give you a sense of that .
6 Some gynaecologists may consider that there is a risk of missing serious endometrial pathology in such patients , although studies suggest that in this age group it is unlikely .
7 And I see it as part of my problem in education is to erm , change the attitudes of the the boys who are , you know , at a very young , and I 'll be sorry to think that in ten years time they would still be having erm the rather arrogant attitudes that they have !
8 It is not impossible that on this sea voyage he was accompanied by Panaetius , who , according to a very fragmentary and dubious passage of the index Stoicorum , apparently travelled by sea with Scipio at about this time ( col. 56 , ed .
9 The layout and shelf signing are more effective than at any WHS branch I have visited in England , and there was a thicker flow of customers than I encountered anywhere else in the city .
10 Despite making reasonable progress , difficulties prevented the team from making the summit and after 24 hours effort they returned to base camp .
11 Straps should be checked for cuts and tears , especially round the rivets , and with any crampon type it is worth carrying a long strap so that emergency repairs can be made in the event of breakage .
12 Then after the elections , the elections are to have a constituent assembly and that constituent assembly will work out our new constitution in the country and from that constituent assembly we hope also to form a national government of unity , of national unity and that 'll continue maybe for five years in order to give stability to the country and this of course also means a concession because it 's a concession to the existing power structures to have some kind of stability .
13 He preferred life at court to the hardships of campaigning ; he liked to deck himself in strings of precious stones and belts studded with priceless gems ; he wore clothes of the finest silk and from each ear lobe he hung a single pearl of remarkable size .
14 And from this kernel notion I developed the plot of my first Inspector Ghote novel called — wait for it — The Perfect Murder .
15 Whereas here and in that range name it 's still referring to row twenty six .
16 Very congested skin can not absorb essential oils efficiently anyway , but when used in the bath and in general body massage they will be more easily absorbed through the softer skin of the abdomen , insides of the thighs and upper arms .
17 Go through an unobtrusive door at the back of the Trent Bridge pavilion then turn left into a book-lined room , and on any match day you 'll find the central table occupied by the owner of a moustache of impressively Victorian dimensions , like as not tapping away on a venerable-looking typewriter .
18 The curtains were drawn still and on this winter day it was almost as dark as night in here .
19 We worked with two pens in the one hand , one for black ink and one for red , and at each weather station we had to draw in the symbols for wind speed and direction , barometric pressure , temperature , cloud type , amount and height , and precipitation , all in black , and the wet bulb temperature and dew point in red .
20 In all three raids he claimed he had a gun and at one building society he told staff he was armed with a hand grenade .
21 These are made in the same kind of way but for each pattern shape you work on the same set of needles as if you were turning the heel of a sock .
22 But for this marketing director it 's done .
23 The overall in-hospital mortality was 8.5% but with triple vessel disease it was 25% .
24 I know it 's tempting when see something at £5 instead of £10 , but in six months time it 's useless — that 's why it 's cheap . ’
25 But in any divorce settlement I know with myself
26 But within that probation period you can sort of like get dismissed for any time quite easily .
27 But until last Saturday night I had never seen how a major accident ward looked directly after a major accident .
28 The line was first electrified in the 1950s , but at 1500 volts DC it is very different from today 's standard of 25000 volts AC .
29 Because of Tory party policy I 'm able to come to Hummersknott rather than be forced to go to my local school , ’ he said .
30 Because of high media coverage we are quite likely to see tragedies as they occur including seeing people killed and the immediate stunned reactions of witnesses to ghastly events .
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