Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] has [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it is not generally the stuff that appears on television , where self-restraint has become the norm .
2 A book of ethics does not have to spell it out , any more than a book about mathematics or zoology has to include the reminder ‘ Read me attentively , intelligently ’ .
3 To withhold that assistance constitutes an irregularity which may be material depending on the circumstances , since , if the jury return a guilty verdict , one can not tell whether some misconception or irrelevance has played a part .
4 Where management has set the framework for efficient cleaning and supervision is adequate faults will rarely arise .
5 A very large number came up with the same idea : that Mummy or Daddy has had a sex change .
6 Once the child or baby has joined the family , practical concerns over childcare can arise .
7 TELECOMS giant Cable & Wireless has announced a £500m deal with Canada 's BCE .
8 Black & Decker has introduced the Cut Saw on the d-i-y market .
9 Nynex Corp 's New England Telephone & Telegraph has filed a shelf registration with the Securities & Exchange Commission to offer up to $400m of debt securities .
10 No sector of industry or commerce has escaped the effects of the current global trade recession .
11 Still , it is difficult to believe that either linguistics or psychology has achieved a level of theoretical understanding that might enable it to support a ‘ technology ’ of language teaching .
12 The law of passing-off is particularly useful if there is no registered mark to be infringed ; perhaps a trader or manufacturer has used a mark for several years without registering it as a trade mark .
13 To this extent we could say that the cultural materialists re-assert a form of reflection theory , where history has become a mirror in which contemporary political priorities have been substituted for the former certain ground of Marxist analysis .
14 Not a single priest or minister has condemned the craze from the pulpit , despite the fact that the local cemetery is the favourite venue for regular weekend binges , according to local councillor Walter Greer .
15 The objective of the Lausanne conference should be to encourage Kenya and its allies to emulate the conditions pertaining in the Kruger and Hwange national parks , where culling has become a necessity born out of successful conservation , rather than to encourage policies which could turn them into the run-down disaster zones Mr Leakey described .
16 But I think that we can persuade them that it is something that Parliament has said a planning application that deals with local issues can be determined locally .
17 There is no doubt that agriculture has transformed the environments of all developing countries .
18 The Labour party 's document makes it clear that Labour has forgotten every word , and that is why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government .
19 We now know that Stagecoach has obtained a minimum of ESQ 1 million for the $ 2 million worth of public sector assets .
20 Whether offensive or defensive strategies are being reassessed , the Gulf War has brought home the fact that automation has become the cornerstone of virtually all new military systems — so much so that we are moving steadily towards a fully automated battlefield .
21 The emphasis is , therefore , on the conjugal bond , to such an extent that marriage has become an index of ‘ normality ’ or ‘ settling down ’ and is now a status formally open to almost everyone of the appropriate age [ … ] .
22 He argues that management has developed a range of responses and has attempted to maintain control through the use of industrial relations procedures , through bureaucratic rules which channel conflict into manageable and acceptable ways , and especially through the use of internal labour markets and dual labour markets which divide and segment the working class .
23 Still others believe that capitalism has satisfied the material interests of all workers in advanced capitalism , as Herbert Marcuse ( 1969 ) and Andre Gorz ( 1985 ) tend to suggest .
24 ( 1976 ) have estimated that erosion has reduced the production potential of American cropland by 10–15 per cent , and that an estimated 5 gallon equivalent of fuel per acre is being used to offset past soil losses , which amounts to about 4 per cent of total oil imports in 1970 ( p.153 ) .
25 There is little evidence so far , though , to suggest that counterurbanization has halted the decline of service provision , since population thresholds for services have at the same time been rising ( Johansen and Fuguitt , 1984 ) .
26 Nor is there much indication that affluence has encouraged the desire to seek acceptance in new social milieux at higher status levels .
27 Rather , they argue that pornography has established the conventions by which we understand sexualised images of women as images of submission , images which invite violence .
28 There is no doubt that Pipe has taken the training of jump horses into an entirely different dimension .
29 Although deep-freezing has revolutionised the way food is preserved , with some kinds of fish I still prefer the old method of salting and sun drying .
30 This latter event is all too obviously possible now that man has produced the means , inherent in nuclear warfare and other means of mass destruction , to destroy all life .
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