Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [adv] in a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You should walk with a brisk step which indicates that you are interested in your job , never slouch along , droop your shoulders or flop awkwardly in a chair ; your head should be held high , your shoulders back ; you should walk gracefully with good body line , and sit and bend down elegantly .
2 Stir in the yoghurt and honey together in a bowl until they are thoroughly combined .
3 In the mid-1980s a proposal to tie the dollar , yen and D-mark together in a system of exchange-rate target zones received a lot of attention .
4 Nevertheless , she says that whenever she could persuade her scribe to let her dictate to him , ‘ she was hale and whole suddenly in a manner ’ .
5 I think you should change your shampoo and conditioner once in a while to avoid product build-up .
6 Sieve flours and sugar together in a bowl .
7 The fascination of this paper is that they bring together philosophy and psychology empirically in a way that has value for the busy social work practitioner .
8 When Cawthorne was mentioned by name she put her forefinger and thumb together in a circle and made the universal sign for self-abuse .
9 Yet it together with the other numerous Somerset railways knitted town and country together in a way that had never been achieved before .
10 1 Heat the oil and butter together in a pan and when the butter has melted , toss in the beans .
11 Mix the flour , wallpaper paste and salt together in a bowl .
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