Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I saw a Mummy examined that had been embalmed for 2,000 years ; the embalmer had taken out all the Viscera of the head , Thorax and Abdomen and cut all the flesh off the bones , and the cavities of the Thorax & Abdomen were filled up with Tar , Pitch & c and the form of the leg , Thigh & c were altogether made up of linen Rags dipp 'd in Tar , Pitch , & c so that I have an Opinion that they were allow 'd to carry the dead Body home by pretending to embalm it to preserve the Flesh & c , but you see they either buried or burnt the Flesh : this art always ‘ till lately appeared to me ridiculous as I know how soon putrefaction took place after Death ; since that time I have often thought it would be pleasing if we could fall upon a method of preserving dead Bodies & I thought that mankind in general would wish to have the Bodies of their Friends & c Preserved .
2 ‘ Why else could they think that father was mixed up in this ? ’
3 Where most saw atoms with void space between them in the manner of Newton and Dalton , Faraday by the 1840s believed that matter was made up of mere point centres of force .
4 A demand for the ‘ noblest ’ architecture inevitably meant that Nonconformity was caught up in the debates over the value of Gothic architecture which went on for most of the Victorian period .
5 Surplus crops in wheat , cotton and wool were bought up by government-financed Stabilization Corporations , in an attempt to keep up prices in these commodities .
6 Her hyperactivity and restlessness were taken up in the constant roaming , first about the churches in her own neighbourhood , then to religious sites in England , then on pilgrimage in Europe , all of them respectable things to do .
7 The Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology was set up in July 1982 under the chairmanship of Dame Mary Warnock to investigate in vitro fertilisation and human genetic research .
8 Soon it was term time again and evening were taken up with swimming , Brownies and piano .
9 Ma had gone to bed with a headache , and Father was shut up in his study making telephone calls .
10 There were no serious injuries , but one passenger was cut by flying glass and traffic was held up for over an hour .
11 The Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct was set up under the Act to examine the practical way in which reform could be carried out .
12 A lot of promotion and merchandising was built up around them and , indeed , audience research showed they were very popular with children .
13 Whereas water and electricity were broken up into different private companies between which there might be a degree of competition , British Telecom ( BT ) and British Gas were essentially privatized intact .
14 On Christmas Day 1200 one of the most remarkable political statements in the history of medieval papacy and empire was drawn up in a secret consistory of the pope and cardinals .
15 But mother brought up ten of us up and mother was brought up with he grandmother .
16 For many , the question of local government 's powers , role , and value was summed up by Baroness Hollis ( formerly leader of Norwich Council ) .
17 The paper published by the Commission is to be submitted to EC transport ministers ; it had been in preparation for some time , but work was speeded up following the recent tanker accidents in the Shetlands and at La Coruna in northern Spain [ see ED 67 ] .
18 ‘ For a Manchu son , ’ Rostov observed , ‘ but mine was brought up at Court . ’
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