Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sports such as judo or fencing can provide for these needs beyond fitness .
2 Neither you nor your husband or wife may claim for any lump sum or maintenance payment .
3 What is useful is the idea that research and study in a particular field or discipline can proceed for many people for quite long periods in a relatively routine or normal way , without continually digging up the roots .
4 Moreover , the government had earlier proposed that Parliament should sit for three days a week , instead of five .
5 Although production will continue for many years yet , I feel it is time to record what historical production data is available before records are lost and memories fade .
6 Under ‘ Remand homes ’ it says every county and borough must arrange for some special remand home to be used ‘ for children and young persons only , and to which older persons are not to be sent ’ .
7 The studies reached a common conclusion that some physical failures or individual errors can be foreseen , and that improved organisation and management should compensate for such errors .
8 ‘ After 1949 , ’ wrote Betty Friedan , ‘ Career Woman suddenly became pejorative , denoting a ball-busting , man-eating harpy , a miserable neurotic witch from whom man and child should flee for very life . ’
9 The course on theory and criticism will run for two terms and covers the major theories and methods of film practice from Eisenstein 's articles on montage to contemporary pronouncements on auteur cinema .
10 The theory that amplexus is a form of ‘ mate guarding ’ by males , preventing others from mating with the same female , is confirmed by comparing the duration of amplexus in explosive breeding European common frog , only one out Among explosive breeders , competition between males for females is intense and amplexus may last for several days or even for the entire breeding period .
11 But progress may nevertheless be very slow and unemployment will persist for some long time .
12 But science will work for any man .
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