Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some families find that seating the child on the potty in the living-room or kitchen helps as the child stays part of the family and does not feel left out .
2 Where rejuvenation intervenes before the river has had sufficient time for lateral erosion to form a flat valley floor , there will not be river terraces at the side of the stream but merely breaks of slope in the valley sides ( Fig. 9.6 ) .
3 Until it is filed , judgment can not be entered nor the action or matter proceed unless the defendant has filed a defence , admission or counterclaim ( Ord 7 , r 12 ) .
4 In order to provide women with opportunities for personal fulfilment in familial and non-familial roles , as well as for full participation in economic , social and cultural life , the 1984 International Conference on Population recommended ( Recommendation 7 ) that " in those countries , where child-bearing occurs when the mother is too young , Government policies should encourage delay in the commencement of child-bearing " .
5 The carriage of goods for hire or reward occurs when the owner or user of the goods vehicle obtains a tangible benefit in money or money 's worth .
6 This startling discovery has supported the idea that cancer develops when a cell contains too much of a perfectly normal cellular protein .
7 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
8 1 Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion and chilli halves until the onion browns .
9 In April the Accounting Standards Board proposed that provisions for future losses and reorganisation costs after an acquisition will no longer be allowed to be taken straight out of the balance sheet of the purchaser 's accounts , without passing through its profit and loss account .
10 The Stamp Office confirmed that stamp duty will be assessed on the VAT-exclusive amount of any premium and rent reserved where a lease is granted between companies in the same VAT group .
11 Any attempt to produce the letter for the first time at completion should be resisted and completion delayed until the purchaser has had adequate time to consider the disclosures .
12 It will be necessary to specify procedures , tests , reports and completion dates since the contractor will not accept a contract based on an outcome with a low probability of achievement .
13 In addition to the above , the air in the theatre must be monitored for formaldehyde gas on a regular basis and action taken if the amount exceeds 2 ppm in any two hour period .
14 The TZD is identified by slightly more opulent side mouldings , bumpers and wheel trims while the inside is better and includes central locking .
15 But in the third , the relationship between job type and absenteeism disappears when the existence of nervous disorders is brought under control .
16 Modern methods of butchery militate against this ; drenching freshly slaughtered carcases in water means that they spoil more quickly , and weight-loss achieved as the meat hangs means less profit .
17 Predictably serious negotiations ensued , if not for peace then at least for the ransom of King John ; but several years of intermittent diplomacy and warfare passed before a treaty was concluded at Brétigny in 1360 and confirmed at Calais in 1361 .
18 Developing awareness of individual need within the family is the objective , and failure occurs when the counsellor so upsets certain family members , particularly the more powerful , that he or she can no longer have any impact on the family dynamic .
19 The region could face action for breaches of race relations and education acts if the commission upheld complaints it has received .
20 Be very clear , he wrote : I do not feel that it is time and thought wasted because the end result is less than I had hoped .
21 Charles Dudgeon , operations director at the Stevenage plant said : ‘ Following the acquisition many changes were introduced and performance suffered as the market reacted with apprehension to the unknown but now the wisdom of the shake-up is evident . ’
22 The LGS took less time and effort to prepare than the rice-salt mixture .
23 Water is then added and mixing continued until the agglomeration is of a wet , yet stiff , consistency .
24 Typically , the cost of acquiring , checking , editing , and converting data may be of the order of the system hardware and software costs while the time required to assemble and check the cartographic and attribute databases may be of the order of several years .
25 Application should be made for a split trial under Ord 33 , rr3 and 4 , under which liability can be tried first and quantum tried when the plaintiff 's medical or employment position , or any other doubt on quantum , has been clarified .
26 All challenge and placebo meals were assessed by five volunteers for smell , taste , and texture to determine if the challenge food could be detected .
27 The reflow period following this brief ischaemia may be as short as 1 min , but protection wanes if the reflow is extended beyond 1 h .
28 But prosperity declined as the country was hit by successive droughts , the Black Death and the Wars of the Roses .
29 Five male and six female hypertensives were never treated with antihypertensive drugs — four because pressure fell when a cause was removed ( one was given a renal transplant and three stopped oral contraception ) , four because patients refused , and three because no treatment programme was ever organised ( one of these died of intercurrent disease soon after diagnosis , and the other two both had predominant alcohol problems ) .
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