Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Initially there had been a substantial market for British films in the US , where demand remained for some time ahead of the production levels achieved by American filmmakers .
2 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
3 The full benefits of price stability and statutory independence for the European central bank , and indeed for the Bank of England — that must be a necessary institutional corollary — will be enjoyed only if a future Government and Parliament agree in good time to adopt a single European currency .
4 The din and chaos continued for some time after help arrived from the êchelon of spectators , Charles and Peregrine among them .
5 The most important development in sprint and marathon racing for some time was the introducing of starting gates at the World Sprint Championships in Paris .
6 Although this took place only three days later , Brunel and Burn had in that time examined forty-four schemes and produced a nine-page report vindicating the efforts of Angell and Pownall .
7 That is a scale of acidity and alkalinity based on 14 times the logarithm of the ratio of disassociated hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution measured in grams per litre .
8 When the Cullinan diamond of 3,106 carats was recovered from the Premier Mine , Pretoria , its size and quality ensured at that time only one destination , the regalia of the king-emperor .
9 Coping and support networks can be built up gradually as part of a group exercise and on your own and can provide a forum for discussion and shared experience as well as letting off the inevitable steam and frustration experienced at one time or another .
10 This may have been caused by the heating and lighting used at that time , or perhaps modern communications plus far better fire fighting methods available today ensure that incidents are tackled much more quickly .
11 There were also special meals and family sacrifices in early times ( 1 Samuel 20:5 , 24 ) , and sometimes prophets were consulted ( 2 Kings 4:23 ) .
12 ‘ A child 's formal education stops at the end of each school day but education continues at all times , ’ it says .
13 It had also successfully lobbied for a prestigious residential development under the Community Development Block Grant programme , although the sale prices far exceeded the borrowing capacity of the majority of local residents ( median income was less than $7,000 in 1980 , whilst unemployment stood at three times the city average ) .
14 They were good value , because they were in a style that he could wear anywhere and they were strong enough for all his walking and kept his feet from being bruised on the city pavements , for when you walk as much and as far as Boy did at that time you can hurt your feet badly .
15 When water-depth decreases to 1.3 times wave-height , the wave is compressed , its steepness rises , and the orbital journey of a wave particle is squeezed into a tilted ellipse .
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