Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If you need to bring an umbrella , a street guide or anything other than a briefcase or handbag leave it in the reception area during the interview .
2 His Lordship then suggested that , subject to the test of reasonableness , the court would permit seizure of any other evidence of any crime committed by the suspect or evidence implicating anyone in the crime being investigated .
3 Stars of stage , screen & radio welcome you to the ‘ World of Entertainment ’ .
4 Being in a noble house , they discussed inheritance of land by means of ‘ entails ’ , the settling of land upon members of a family in a predetermined order to prevent any one owner or inheritor bequeathing it outside the family .
5 The displays demonstrate the reality , provide live plants to look at , and assure us that nothing larger than an unfortunate lizard or rat makes it into the green traps .
6 Reimbursement of medical , hospital and treatment expenses while on holiday ( including emergency dental treatment ) and hotel and repatriation expenses to the British Isles necessarily incurred arising from injury sustained or sickness declaring itself during the period of the holiday ( including those of any one person required on medical advice to accompany the Insured Person ) .
7 We had no friends or family to accompany us to the church .
8 Then , on one wonderful day , it became the key to that magic box where infinity welcomed her to the crystal harmony of the spheres .
9 The Norwich City and Scotland striker , a figure of such unmitigated misfortune that money deserted him at the height of what ought to have been a highly lucrative and rewarding career .
10 Neither rejection , protest nor availability prepares us for the demands which celibacy is making on us nowadays .
11 As Niki rightly points out , that year proved something to the whole of FI .
12 Although history dates it to the Golden Age of Magna Graecia , some of the region 's most glorious monuments date from the time of Byzantium and Norman rule .
13 Last year the Republic refused to extradite Mr Ryan to Britain to face terrorism charges , including conspiracy to murder and cause explosions , on the grounds that allegations in the Press and Parliament linking him with the IRA meant he would not receive a fair trial in Britain .
14 This coexistence of change and resistance owes something to the limits set by nature .
15 And Miss gives it to the student in n it ?
16 She confessed that the bitter jibes and over-exposure led her to the precipice .
17 Give credit card details , say ‘ please debit my card accordingly ’ , state whether you want it posted or if youll collect it on the day , and finally give your voice number for them to call ‘ if there are any problems ’ .
18 Give credit card details , say ‘ please debit my card accordingly ’ , state whether you want it posted or if youll collect it on the day , and finally give your voice number for them to call ‘ if there are any problems ’ .
19 Yeah , having some dinner , well we did n't have any did we , cos mummy took you to the pictures with nanny
20 If not , can the Leader of the House at least persuade the silent Department of Trade and Industry to say something on the subject ?
21 On the other hand , the buyer will wish to have the comfort of the guarantee , and , in addition , whatever rights law and statute grant him in the particular circumstances of the case .
22 The affinity between dog and cat reveals itself in the number of equi-status or near-equi-status traits they have in common ; and the differences between dog and cat appear more sharply when the affinity patterns are articulated in greater detail by means of diagnostic frames .
23 Ant : You do n't like school discos " cos your mum turned up at the last one at nine o'clock to take you home , and Fungus announced it over the mike .
24 She often used to say she could n't believe how some people behaved , and the promiscuity and drinking shook her to the core .
25 Screens of holly and ivy sheltered her from the deepening winter , but now the forest became a black and frozen place .
26 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
27 A coal fell out of the fire , making them both start , and Breeze replaced it with the exaggerated care with which we perform these trivial tasks , when our thoughts are far away .
28 You had got perms and heaven knows what on the go .
29 ‘ I know today now there are some good degrees and goodness knows what for the job , but it does n't mean to say you can do the job .
30 French and Ukrainian , mathematics and chemistry bored him to the point of insanity ; only in music and English could he hope to get decent marks .
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