Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Although he is happy with his lifestyle and a wages and bonuses package which earns him £30,000 a week , Walker 's evasive attitude and reluctance to project himself through the media has not endeared him to the locals .
32 Milan was one of the first composers to give specific direction on how to perform a piece of music ( 1536 ) and King follows them in the most natural- sounding way .
33 They would need clothing and shelter for the extremes of weather , and weaponry to protect themselves from the wild animals and hostile tribes which roamed the desolate regions they were to visit .
34 The seas smashed into his back , wind and water clubbed him off the seat on to the cockpit sole .
35 When Willis came out , England were 197 ahead with 151 minutes and twenty overs left and there can not have been many who doubted West Indies would win , but with Willis lunging his left leg forward and Willey protecting him from the strike as much as possible , they began to put together a remarkable stand .
36 He learned the truth about the cuttings , closing his eyes when he thought of her sitting in the attic , her long day done , painstakingly writing for O'Connor the articles whose brilliance and feeling told him of the intellect which lay behind her beautiful face and emphasised again what he had thrown away .
37 When Ford replaced the upright ( and well loved ) Cortina with the rounded ( and alien ) Sierra , it was forced to spend a fortune on advertising and promotion to establish it in the market .
38 The walls come alive with foaming beer and music surrounds them as the audience journeys upward in a can of Guinness .
39 You were told at the time you did , and Councillor told you at the time that th it was totally inadequate was the children 's budget , so how can you expect more money from the Government when your sense of priorities is so blatantly wrong on the money that you 're already handling .
40 And that there were tourists is shown by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice , published finally in 1813 but mainly written in 1796 : in it Elizabeth Bennet is invited by her aunt and uncle to accompany them to the Lakes , and exclaims : ‘ My dear , dear aunt , what delight !
41 On the whole Cepheus is rather a barren group , but the presence of Delta and Mu redeems it from the viewpoint of the binocular observer .
42 He would also fight tooth and nail to keep her from the likes of Tommy Allen .
43 If motherhood includes them in the community of women , poor parenthood also excludes them from the public culture of their own generation .
44 Eventually Lady Laetitia and Tick made it to the minstrels ' gallery .
45 I well remember the words of an old foreman who said to me , Son , even if you have the talent and ability to take you to the top , there is still no guarantee that you will ever get there , or even half way .
46 Abstraction and theory imprison us , or try to do so , as if in a net , and the novel tests and demolishes the allegedly superior power of abstract thought over a thinking and feeling life : ‘ how far conceptualizing and theorizing divide you from the thing that is the object of theoretical attention . ’
47 My mum and dad drove us to the airport in the torrential rain and wind .
48 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
49 The image , of course , centres around the fact that faith and doubt have something of the same curious relationship as health and sickness .
50 His goal and guidence helped them to the Premier League .
51 One way and another , Attlee looks better with every passing year — a kind of benevolent public school master , whose sense of duty and justice raised him above the sectional partisanship of class or party .
52 She was admitted on a Tuesday , and her husband and son visiting her on the Friday found she 'd had no food in that time .
53 On the other hand , it may also be a sign of God 's hidden control and wisdom preparing us for the future .
54 Positive and negative pressures applied to straight edged polygons and polyhedra convert them from the crystalline forms of rocks and earths to the positive and negative , male and female , expressions of life .
55 Switchboard was formed in 1974 out of an alliance between the old Gay Liberation Front office collective , who donated the office , and Gay News , who donated the publicity and energy to get it off the ground .
56 But hope warmed her throughout the evening .
57 But game did nothing for the glass , as I had hoped .
58 On the basis of the principle of identity on the other hand , no subjection of nature can take place , since man identifies himself with the processes of nature .
59 Phosphatidylethanolamine shifted most of the cholesterol to the vesicular phase while phosphatidylserine moved it to the non-vesicular fraction .
60 Isabel asked herself as fitzAlan swung himself into the saddle behind her .
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