Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Firms would invite favoured clients or business associates down for a day at Sandwich , either as a reward for past favours rendered or in the hope that the goodwill created would lubricate some future deal .
2 Black is the usual choice , but a stippled grey/black/green or brown/green/black dabbed on with a sponge gives an interesting effect .
3 He will at a very early stage have taken steps to preserve evidence , possibly by photographic and other means , of an ephemeral or fleeting nature such as ice ( if he is lucky the temperature on the ground since the crash could still be below freezing ) , or fuel leaking away from a damaged tank or fuel filter , or soot deposits indicative of fire in the air which could be washed away by rain or other disturbance .
4 On winter days the thin spirals of blue smoke were particularly visible , although , in fact , you could see them on most days save when heavy rain , snow , or mist came down like a curtain over everything except the immediate slope of the hill and its scattered beeches .
5 Apart from certain matters which are specifically declared not to constitute development ( for example , internal alterations to buildings , works of road maintenance , or improvement carried out by a local highway authority within the boundaries of a road ) and others which , though possibly constituting development , are declared not to require planning permission , there is provision for the secretary of state to make a General Development Order ( GDO ) specifying classes of ‘ permitted ’ development , and a Use Classes Order specifying groups of uses within which interchange is permissible .
6 A wren or robin scrambled about in a clump of thorns and seemed to be scolding .
7 I have already put forward my view that in the foreseeable future there is unlikely to be a sufficiency of common purpose or tradition to create out of a federal Parliament the necessary cohesion for it to control , or even to have much influence over , the unelected central bodies , especially the Commission and the Court of Justice .
8 ‘ … [ I ] t can not be argued that violence exists solely as a cultural phenomenon … violence is almost certainly embedded in the natural world ’ ( 1982 : 54 ) .
9 There are far too few structures for democratic representation and control over union education , so that decision-making depends mostly on a smaller number of individuals .
10 You may find that distance closes quickly during a combination sequence and you and your opponent end up facing each other within reverse punch range .
11 Their tests were cheaper and apparently fairer than local ‘ home-made ’ ones and they conveniently transferred the odium that selection incurred on to a distant , impartial public body .
12 With these , a tube is usually inserted into the opening of the bladder so that urine drains directly into a small bag or container .
13 We therefore propose that magma migrated passively into a pre-existing subsurface fracture some time between June 1990 and June 1991 .
14 ‘ Language across the Curriculum ’ sometimes appears as a general title , but there is no evidence that any languages other than English contribute strongly to a serious policy for other subjects in school .
15 He hardly comprehended what had been happening ; the reality and unreality merged together like a nightmare or a melodrama .
16 Clearly everyone was in festive mood despite the recession , and bidding got off to a brisk start :
17 Support for MacDonald had remained strong among some of the 200,000 Navajo and violence broke out during a protest march on his behalf in Window Rock on July 22 ; two men died and nine were wounded when police opened fire .
18 People would not welcome a move from their home and if closure went ahead over a long period of time staff would inevitably leave .
19 School and college come together in a variety of other ways too , most notably through In-Service provision either on a direct one-to-one or collective basis , or through the Church 's own national structures .
20 It set in motion what we call a debris flow , a mixture of 50-ton boulders , rocks , sand and gravel bound together in a kind of slurry , which came rolling down the side canyon and dammed the river .
21 As nearly all the children had freckles , I felt as if I were seeing spots before my eyes , and drew Mickey Mice in a trance , my hand and pen moving mechanically through a misty ocean of freckles , wave upon wave , every freckle asking for Mickey Mouse .
22 He had breakfasted lightly on Marmite and toast washed down with a pot of tea .
23 Well it reminds me when I was in a shop on the High Street for many years and a little boy and girl came in with a , with an Alsatian dog , a puppy .
24 The visual inspiration for the book was the famous advert for Start-rite shoes , showing a small boy and girl walking off down a tree-lined avenue — an innocent image if ever there was one .
25 Significant new business in tableware and giftware adds up to a
26 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
27 A good concept is to turn and then feel that you attack the ball along the line of the hips before allowing the legs and body to release through into a full turn .
28 Parke , 17 , needed all his creativity and courage to hold on for a 15-10 , 9-15 , 15-12 , 15-14 victory just when his resources were beginning to flag .
29 I had left my mother and father and husband to go alone to a place which was completely unknown to me in order to live with people who were equally unknown .
30 They are much more risky , tending to be highly volatile — rising quickly but often falling faster , indeed sometimes trading is suspended for a few days so you are locked in until trading resumes usually at a much lower level .
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