Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] down [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One looked from side to side , at the two speakers , or else down at the table or , fleetingly , at one 's own side .
2 His Grosvenor International Holdings company in Canada , the United States and Australia , earned a useful £3.7million after tax last year although well down on the £8.1million of 1990 .
3 We can , we can put it all under one roof , and the d the design came out er good erm so that you could walk from the end of the , the machine shop was extended and you could walk from there into the catapult shop directly , or straight into the er fitting base , and thence down onto the welding sections .
4 The payment of a royalty allowed way-leave only on the one farm , so that all the quarry roads on that piece of land ran into the main drove and so down into the highway ’ .
5 At length , the larger of the two came out , slipped along the bank under cover of the brambles and so down into the ditch and up into the field .
6 Watching Smotty 's four-minute debut — missing an open goal whilst tying his bootlace , refusing to take a second-minute penalty until he had washed his shin pads in the puddle on the centre circle , then when he did take it hitting the corner flag — I could feel the supporters forcing my head further and further down on the block .
7 Land by the Shropshire Union Canal in Boughton and further down by the Tower Wharf could be among the prime sites .
8 London is faring particularly badly : this quarter new commissions were valued at £3,143 million , 23 per cent down on the previous quarter and dramatically down on the £7,247 million value for the same quarter last year .
9 The shape of the foam is designed to allow maximum arm and shoulder movement and so is cut narrow at the top and well down at the sides .
10 To help the casualty get the tow rope aboard the lifeboat was manoeuvred ahead , and then down across the bows of the yacht .
11 Tweed 's finger traced a route through Liège to the east and then down through the Ardennes , a remote hilly district .
12 They planned to visit the Rockies and fly on to Vancouver and then down into the States .
13 His mouth trembling , he looked at them both and then down at the knife-edge creases in his trousers .
14 Jack looked at their terrified eyes and then down at the computer screen .
15 Sunday morning , up bright and early for Sunday in those days , seven o'clock , out for a walk and then down to the church for choir .
16 They galloped into Leith , up its narrow winding streets , across the cobbled market-place where Corbett had met Bruce 's retainers , and then down to the quayside .
17 A sudden change of éaulement , an unusual turn in-out of legs or arms , or quick jumps up and then down to the floor followed by a roll over or even a somersault can accentuate the particular place that unusual movement has in the whole design .
18 After the kick is executed the kicking foot is brought back to the level of the supporting leg 's knee and then down to the floor .
19 From Fairfield walk south-east to Hart Crag ( 0.75 miles ) and then down to the gap between Hart Crag and Dove Crag ( 0.25 miles ) in the same direction .
20 This was music to my ears and , after dropping him off , headed to the appropriate bridge and then down to the canal .
21 So Thursday we , we usually come out of Bridge Street , go round the corner and then down to the end of the , car 's parked at the end of the lane .
22 It was Mary says er open the door and let him in because they 'll kill him and then down from the bedroom
23 But only down to the tiles so mine 'd only be half way .
24 Tidswell lifeguards with three slat gates were fitted and the lamp was removed from below the roof ; it was replaced by small side lamps in boxes like those on the bogie cars , but lower down on the dash .
25 In practical terms , this means that when a yellow-hot lava is first emitted , it can flow at a rate of many kilometres an hour , but lower down on the flanks of the volcano , when it is cooler , it slows to the speed of a run , and then of a fast walk .
26 The plastic the French company uses for its interior trimmings is not of high quality and looks brittle and cheap , and in most places it sounds not to be screwed as tightly down as the designers originally intended .
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