Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] a [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It examines all the circumstances to see whether they intended the money to be a deposit or merely a payment on account .
2 The number of visits was much greater : 11 per cent had 300 or more — almost one a day , 33 per cent between 100 and 300 — two or more a week on average , 19 per cent 50 — 99 , between one and two a week , 4 per cent 20–49 — between one a fortnight and one a week , 14 per cent 10–19 — less than one a fortnight , 12 per cent had less than 10 or less than one a month .
3 Can there , for instance , be any meaningful communion in the approval situation between a public librarian and a novel , a biography , a book on plumbing , an introduction to thermodynamics , or even a work on library classification ?
4 Ry Cooder Much more than just a wizard on slide guitar , Ry Cooder is a composer , a multi-instrumentalist , a lifelong student of ethnic music and a thoroughly nice bloke .
5 Experience showed , he said , that the proportion which debts recovered bore to the cost of the court proceedings was less than one in twenty , and so a burden on trade and business .
6 She did not want to be responsible for the reckless consumption of any of the earth 's resources in the shape of fuel , and so a round on foot suited her perfectly .
7 It can not , of course , cover the full legal and statutory framework in 200 pages , especially since it includes a section on the structure of the industry , an analysis of the workforce and also a section on organisation patterns , together with a chapter on ‘ Managing Communication ’ which includes homilies on ‘ listening ’ , ‘ writing skills ’ , and ( inevitably ) ‘ motivation ’ and ‘ leadership ’ .
8 There are to be 5,000 more student places next year , biased to science and engineering , and then a freeze on recruitment for two years .
9 When the country was united under one king in about 3100 BC , beginning the First Dynasty , the name of the king was preceded by the title " Horus ' and he was thought to be " the living Horus ' and therefore a god on earth , From the Fourth Dynasty he added the title " Son of Re " to his names .
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