Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] a [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is the pub as social institution , so much more than just a place for drinking .
2 As a sociolinguist Stubbs sees reading , for instance , as more than simply a mechanism for decoding written into spoken words : he prefers to concern himself with understanding meaning , pointing out that ‘ we do not normally read meaningless material ’ ( ibid. p. 15 ) .
3 Failure to pay moneys owed to the firm This is invariably and obviously a ground for expulsion .
4 It can be noted that the ‘ Keynesian ’ perspective has links with the social optimality approach to public finance as it incorporates market ( economy ) failure and hence a role for government .
5 She has a fine appreciation of art , literature , music and architecture , and clearly a thirst for travel .
6 As regards Vial 's personality , Bracy Clark noted that he was polite and easy in his manners , and often a stickler for etiquette and punctilio , believing , reasonably enough , that his office as Professor of the College required it .
7 Mandy had planned a short trip : about a forty-five-minute paddle and then a stop for lunch at a secluded bay down the lake , and then back .
8 Cakes baked on the gridiron were regarded as a luxury , and sometimes a substitute for tea was made by pouring boiling water over burnt crusts of bread .
9 Polish nationalism , as Rosa Luxemburg pointed out to Lenin on several occasions , was unusual in that it was not primarily a bourgeois phenomenon , but rather a substitute for ideology taken over from the szlachta by the Polish peasantry as they and the lower ranks of the gentry coalesced to form an industrial working class and a commercial bourgeoisie.14 An important component of Polish political life , and part of the damage wrought by partition , was the continuing failure to produce an ideology that went beyond the purely national to link the aspiration to exist as an independent nation with either capitalist organisation or a socialist vision of society .
10 This restoration of the sense of life may well be an effect frequently produced by techniques of making strange , but Shklovsky makes it clear that in the end the object itself is not important , but merely a pretext for art .
11 Much less embarrassing for Celia and Alan , but possibly a shock for Donna .
12 If executive-assembly relations are seen as basically a struggle for influence over the policy-making process , what are the weapons available to each side in the struggle ?
13 An early 20th century guru , a great English artist-craftsman , typographic designer , engraver , sculptor and deeply influential presence in the cultural life of his time , Eric Gill ( 1882–1940 ) was regarded , until Fiona MacCarthy 's revealing and controversial biography ( 1989 ) , as almost a candidate for sainthood .
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