Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Following government policy on market testing , and so as to ensure that the MOD operates within the agreed financial and manpower budgets , some catering facilities on RAF units have been transferred to contract catering operations .
2 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
3 The children visit the church and learn to look at it and describe what they see , and this is in itself a valuable exercise ; but it becomes more valuable still if as well as noting that the fabric is stone , they are provoked to go on to enquire what type of stone , is it all the same stone , why were these types of stone Preferred , where do they come from , and how do they come to be what they are ?
4 Early discussion with the authority 's officers to see exactly what information they require with the application , as well as to ensure that the proposed development is basically acceptable to the authority obviously helps to reduce the time needed .
5 5 UDR in Whose district the incident took place , immediately became responsible for cordoning the area in order to create a safe space within Which the specialists from the Royal Army Ordnance Corps , Royal Engineers and Royal Ulster Constabulary could work , examining and collecting forensic evidence , as well as ensuring that the remainder of the line was clear of any further devices .
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