Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb -s] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , if one reads between the lines , or simply attends with care to domestic allusions , signs of incipient change are numerous .
2 Similarly , in the case of the universe , could it be that we are living in a region that just happens by chance to be smooth and uniform ?
3 The extraordinary generation of NO induced by endotoxin could explain the absence of motor activity that usually occurs in association with gall bladder infection .
4 Have to think about it but the name that immediately springs to mind for most of them is Russell Grant .
5 PREGNANCY ( or GESTATION ) — A status or condition of a woman that ordinarily begins with implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus , and lasts until the fetus is aborted or a birth occurs .
6 It is , in fact , impossible to find any poisonous animal that actively goes in search of victims unless it is feeding .
7 The mosquito hovers a couple of centimetres from the trunk and suddenly alights in front of the ant .
8 It is clear that an element of contrast is intended , with a meaning something like " in writing Othello , Shakespeare becomes an exception , and so stands in contrast to other writers ' .
9 He is encouraged to go on with the process of living ( line 60 ) and perhaps hints at compensation for suffering in an after-life .
10 What happens , I believe , is that a Federal institution like the FRCN tends to report Federal Government news more often and thus leans towards support for the NPN 's view of things .
11 It included a flat-rate increase of 65 lire an hour ( nearly 10 per cent of average hourly earnings ) , a progressive reduction in weekly working hours to 40 by 1972 , equal treatment of blue- and white-collar workers when sick , and overtime limits with compensation for lost earnings .
12 Compensation of £8,500 for structural damage , and further sums for damage to personal property , were paid by the Metropolitan Police .
13 All parties realize this , and so protectionism acts as a bargaining counter for the rich , and a bluff for the poor , and mainly comes to life in its use as a rhetorical device to satisfy domestic constituencies .
14 It encompasses an internal exploration of a personal history within a culture and inevitably differs in scale from much of the ‘ anthropology at home ’ which has become one of the genres of the 1980s .
15 The Construction industry Council is becoming increasingly influential and now speaks on behalf of all industry professionals .
16 Johnny Brown guided the lad at Gala U14 and U16 levels and now continues as coach to the senior club .
17 The latter was Derek 's choice and now hangs in pride of place in his Abernethy home .
18 She married Allan Macdonald in 1750 and now lies at rest in the churchyard at Kilmuir , near Duntulm Castle ; beneath a white granite , Iona cross , and her winding sheet , the same sheet that softened Charles Edward Stewart 's rest during his first night on Skye .
19 But open-bridging is a big business and now accounts for borrowing of about £430 million a year .
20 Well it just depends if it 's market day she goes to market stays up till two or three in afternoon and then goes to sleep for six about six hours .
21 Arthur Ibbetson , the English cameraman who worked with him on several occasions , first notes how alarmed he was to discover what a bad skin Richard had and then enthuses without pause about the shape of his face , his professionalism , his patience .
22 The interior of the cave soon admits daylight from a vertical shaft on the moor above , Little Douk pot , and then meanders in darkness for half a mile to its entrance at Middle Washfold , due south over the wall in the next allotment where an isolated outcrop of limestone makes a white scar on the dark moor .
23 This carbon monoxide comes up through the coke and then comes in contact with air at the top of the fire and then burns to give you carbon dioxide .
24 As he speaks , the line suddenly comes to life again , and flashes over to the starboard side , and then cuts in front of the boat .
25 The route up the Wellenkuppe from the glacier follows a wide snow ramp and then scrambles over rock for a while .
26 Instead , he pursues his lusts , marries late and then dies in pursuit of that lust , leaving Scotland without an heir . ’
27 However , it is a fact of life that what is considered reasonable is the product of our experience and therefore varies from person to person .
28 Assumes only minimal amount of previous knowledge , and therefore concentrates on clarity of definition and explanation .
29 Where rejuvenation intervenes before the river has had sufficient time for lateral erosion to form a flat valley floor , there will not be river terraces at the side of the stream but merely breaks of slope in the valley sides ( Fig. 9.6 ) .
30 The following recipe makes a fairly soft cream which will harden slightly if kept in the fridge ( to halt the formation of mould ) , but nevertheless melts on contact with the skin .
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