Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , there are some pretty primitive creatures driving around with money in their Torpedoes and Boomerangs , or sitting down with money at the Mahatma or the Assisi , or just standing there with money , in the shops , in the pubs , in the streets .
2 Last night , Platt said : ‘ It could go at any time , walking across the training ground or even sitting down to lunch .
3 Whether you 're working , travelling or simply rushing around at home you 'll find Farley 's Rusks are versatile , easy to use and light to carry .
4 The costs they came up with included satisfaction ( other than simply getting by without trouble ) ; real communication with colleagues ; idealism ; and self-respect ( can you really like yourself ? ) .
5 The shot we require is of an American Trident missile being launched from a submarine and eventually going out of control .
6 Beforehand they were tense and quiet , and no doubt very frightened if the truth were known , but on their return , if we saw them at all , they would be relaxed and only looking forward to bacon and eggs in the Mess — and then bed .
7 ( a ) Facing Eyemouth sea-front , turn left along esplanade , joining beach at Dolphin Hotel ( which is to left ) ; leave beach by prominent path up on to cliff-top , and then keep along top of cliffs ignoring left forks , with caravan site on left and soon diverting out to headland ( with cannons ) ( b ) .
8 Yet Rachaela saw the brief daylight ebb with a slight amusement , waiting for Ruth to appear punctually , as if just coming home from school .
9 erm the best candidate for that kind of deposit are deep see cores — I mean there 's a continuous rain of stuff falling from the surface of the sea to the bottom of the sea and forming a great sort of ooze on the bottom and gradually compacting down into rock — cores of this stuff are now available and palaeontologists can look and see what happens .
10 By being on top he avoids being vulnerable , but vulnerable he is and , contrary to appearances , sensitive in the extreme and often crying out for dependency .
11 Practise this also in reverse mode , stepping back from the attack and simultaneously moving out of line .
12 The doctor was worried about brain damage but Andy seemed just as bright and intelligent afterwards as he 'd been before , remembering details from earlier in his childhood and performing above average in the memory tests the doctor gave him and even doing well in school when that started again after the winter break .
13 By selling out when land values hit their peak in 1988 and then buying back at bargain levels later on , canny Pidgely has been able to slash house prices and still make a near-20% average profit per property .
14 But it 's got to be a case of saying ‘ hello ’ and then getting on with business .
15 ‘ It 's very good of him , ’ he said , going across to the window to look at their house and then turning away in pain .
16 He remembered her in the old days , singing at parties for hours and then turning up for rehearsal next day without any sign of strain or tiredness in her voice .
17 He took off , flying low and keeping out of sight , tilting quickly up above a treeline to check what he had seen and then tipping out of sight again .
18 Er and then going on to article twelve under the principle
19 They did not feel sensation , but became sensation , pulsating , thrilling , climbing , soaring , diving , and then falling back towards earth only to soar suddenly upwards again .
20 It remained at this value for a further 20 minutes before rising again to 3.5 ( 0.5 ) by 30 minutes and then falling back to baseline by 2.5 hours .
21 The foolishness in ‘ Futility ’ being the foolishness of men going out killing each other and then coming back to nature and hoping that nature can sort out the mess they have made .
22 Over the northern section of the site , fluvioglacial silty sandy gravels are encountered , sometimes overlying the boulder clay and sometimes resting directly on bedrock .
23 And again looking back through history , Nottingham 's red light district is .
24 As far as ho erm the H R T is erm here we go you see , this is post-natal illness this is right , we need one on that as well , but what we need to know , and what we need to be aware of , is that the discussion has to be actually put out through the members in the same sort of way as Ken and Peggy have done in the erm Midland and East Coast region and also on Working Women 's Safety , it needs to be taken on board that we are absolutely fed up , sick to death and absolutely running out of patience at having to hammer home this thing about equality .
25 The anarchic and the political , the anger and the boredom , are all active in Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic , and most especially when the survival strategies of subordination — subterfuge , lying , evasion — are aesthetically transvalued into weapons of attack , but ever working obliquely through irony , ambiguity , mimicry , and impersonation .
26 They remained there for over twenty minutes , occasionally exchanging comments , but mainly gazing about in silence , each deep in thought and memory .
27 One Head Girl found her team circling round the stage once as rehearsed but then galloping straight off stage to the lavatories ; apparently one of the Girls had realized that she had a sudden attack of diarrhoea and had acted with unheard-of initiative .
28 He seemed to want to try to remain in the underworld while still reaching out for life 's little comforts and luxuries .
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