Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [det] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A similar gender difference was apparent in the time spent helping someone who lived in a separate household ; here 32 per cent of women but only 22 per cent of men spent ten hours or more each week on care-giving ( Green , 1988 , p. 21 ) .
2 Did you take too little or too much liquid on board ?
3 Liu Shaoqi , for example , had been more of a moderniser like Deng , suggesting that too much emphasis on leftist policies harmed China 's future .
4 The government 's manifesto commitment was to increase benefit in line with prices but this does not guarantee its future after the next election , and presumably any proposals on child benefit would have a long lead-in time .
5 Outcome ( Table 2 ) was generally similar for both groups , although considerably more men were placed on section 3 and rather more women on section 2 .
6 The rye hid him from the French rankers , and only those officers on horseback could see the Rifleman over the tall crop .
7 It was not the sort I had seen in West Africa , with side-windows missing and as many chickens on board as people , but as plush as the one that had recently taken our Parish Fellowship for an evening drive around Cheshire .
8 And then this butcher on Road , I remember they used to trade .
9 In the 1950s it was only occasionally activated , with nominal headquarters in London ; and indeed any proposals on defence that emanated from its Consultative Assembly were invariably ignored by the member governments .
10 ‘ There is a problem of the landing of small fish , particularly from Scotland , and too much cod on Humberside .
11 But so much football on TV is putting an end to the Saturday afternoon tradition .
12 We would have fewer books on Queen Cleopatra and on King Arthur , but even more books on Tutankhamen and on Alexander the Great .
13 The opportunities can be made known but too much pressure on recruitment will dissuade attendance .
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