Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Billy had already hand-reared a male cub and successfully released it into the wild .
2 At journey 's end she folded over the top of the bag and thoughtfully replaced it behind the netting on the back of the seat in front .
3 ( and rightly linked it to the
4 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
5 The mess steward came in with Woolley 's piano-accordion and gently laid it on the table .
6 Writing this from the standpoint of the narrator ( Arthur ) looking back to the sixteenth ( and last ) year of Philip , the youngest child of the Morgan household , we are told that Arthur kept a diary of that year — as indeed Edward had kept such a diary and later printed it in The Woodland Life .
7 Rachaela reduced the fifteen-pound necklace to the prescribed fourteen pounds and carefully replaced it with the price tag face down .
8 It is a trick that might just save the life of the bird if a cat has caught it and then placed it on the ground for a moment before starting to pluck it .
9 Carritt bought it , correctly identified it as a lost early work , and magnanimously sold it to the National Gallery , London , far below the market price .
10 She stifled an urge to brain her son with it , and instead placed it in the sink .
11 As the enclosure movement gained impetus towards the end of the eighteenth century , many of the poor could not afford the fences necessary to confirm their claim to the land , and therefore sold it to the wealthy ; those who could were often unable to raise a living on the poor land they acquired , and sold it too ; those who were squatters had no right to land at all and none to sell .
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