Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The patron of the third kind , offering social reputation and protection , often worked within conditions where the work was being partly or wholly offered to a paying public ; the Elizabethan public theatres were in that sense fully commercial institutions .
2 But ten minutes spent relaxing flat on the floor , or comfortably seated in a darkened room , can do wonders to replenish energies as well as looks .
3 Apart from programs designed for vertical markets or specially written for a particular job , most of the products you 'll find are ‘ pen aware ’ which means they can recognize a pen as both a mouse and an input device , but do n't have any other facilities to take advantage of the pen .
4 In his description of melody , Otto Károlyi states that analysis of large numbers of melodies shows that an ascending melodic line is sooner or later balanced by a descending one , and vice versa .
5 To put the problem more concretely , the idea of style implies that the words on the page might have been different , or differently arranged without a corresponding difference in substance .
6 As the child 's mobility increases , accidents are often related to play , and when constant adult surveillance can not be assured , young children can at least be protected by being put in a playpen or securely fastened in a bouncing cradle ( placed on the floor ) , highchair or pram .
7 In 1968 suits were with flares and turn ups & often worn with a v-neck pullover & no shirt , light weight Italian slip-ons .
8 As one lies basking in the sun , it may be pounced upon by a hawk or even grabbed by a human being .
9 The Commission for the Transformation of the LCY not only had to contend with the opposing Slovene and Serbian proposals , but also with proposals that the party be reconstituted as a Socialist Party of Yugoslavia , or even split into a communist and a socialist party .
10 Such inherent problems tend to be discounted , ignored , or even interpreted in a favorable light at times when the political system appears to be successfully meeting the demands and expectations of the populace .
11 These seem to have been designed to be worn on the finger , although the oval design-disc was so big as to he unwieldy ; possibly they were normally worn on a string round the neck , or simply reserved for a leisured elite .
12 It was they who would decide whether such rites should be prohibited as too economically wasteful , or else encouraged as a possible attraction to the future tourist industry .
13 In broad terms it may be stated as being whether an original tenant under a lease containing a rent review clause is bound by privity of contract to pay the landlord for the time being of the premises a rent agreed or otherwise determined with a subsequent assignee of the term .
14 If water is privatised , franchised , or otherwise converted into a money-making scheme for a minority , it will be as a result of an act of the Westminster Parliament .
15 In other insects the clypeus is partially or completely divided by a transverse suture into two sclerites — the postclypeus and the anteclypeus ( Fig. 304 ) .
16 Gower , when 7 , was given not-out to a caught-behind appeal against Mushtaq , and substitute Rashid Latif suddenly took off down the middle of the pitch like some Keystone Kop , arms waving , perhaps stung by a bee or heavily influenced by a certain West Indies captain who patented an onfield war-dance .
17 He and Whoopi met making Made In America , having a screen romance that swiftly turned into a real one .
18 He was sitting beside me in the jump seat or that generally occupied by a second pilot because in those days there were no flight engineers on twin-engined aircraft .
19 In any case , I believe Eliot admired the thrillers of the prolific E. Phillips Oppenheim , who was published in the yellow-backed series to which he more than once referred as a possible source of inspiration .
20 Although still classified as a rare breed , the British White has increased considerably in numbers in recent years and has also been exported : it seems to thrive in hot climates and has a good degree of heat tolerance , helped by its pigmented skin and reflecting white coat .
21 Standards have gone up consistently over the six years of the league and , although still dominated by a new wave of running clubs that have burgeoned over the last decade , more and more of the traditional athletics clubs have been paying more attention to the competition .
22 The indies also have a role in picking up those that once recorded for a major label , like the Dutch singer , Mathilde Santing .
23 Now he 's going through those same school gates that once opened to a 19 year old RAF aircraft engineer .
24 And up for sale , the mental hospital that once described as a human zoo .
25 According to reports from the Romanian capital , the violence yesterday started when President Ceausescu sought to address a staged rally of support that rapidly turned into a huge protest .
26 Yet although often seen as a tough guy , Bob Hoskins has tried to avoid typecasting .
27 Yet although often seen as a tough guy , Bob Hoskins has tried to avoid typecasting .
28 They came to an iron door that immediately opened onto a marvellous hall where many servants paid honour to the shepherd .
29 Since the headmen were neither recruited , trained nor even supervised in a consistent manner , it is not surprising that they were generally inactive when it came to dealing with crime .
30 The sentimental side , although well presented by a fine ballad like ‘ Make the Man Love Me ’ , is both overshadowed and made more sugary by the comic element of Cisssie , the heroine 's sister , with her string of ‘ husbands ’ all called Harry and her rosy outlook .
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