Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the major objectives of the account was to reapportion credit within the movement since much of it had been misappropriated by those who had done little or only appeared after emancipation in 1834 .
2 At first many counties established county-wide committees , but these either degenerated into battlegrounds for county/district rivalries or else atrophied through lack of business ( Alexander 1982a:37 — 8 ; 58 — 9 ) .
3 This followed a spate of incidents in which the ubiquitous Lenin statues had been toppled , blown up or otherwise vandalized in towns across the Soviet Union .
4 Blue Boar was dropped and replaced by Blue Steel Mk 1 , an inertially guided cruise missile with a range of 100 nautical miles that eventually came into service with the V Force in 1962 as part of Britain 's Independent Nuclear Deterrent .
5 And that only lasted from mid-February to late April .
6 The drama depicted is something that once happened in front of the canvas — where the painter claimed to be nature !
7 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
8 Their wails and screams rose above the crackle of their burning homes and were made even more blood-curdling by the clangorous din of the church bells that frantically appealed to heaven for aid .
9 ‘ He evolved in such a way that really came to life for me , ’ she says .
10 However , in a statement on July 23 , Shamir described Assad 's response as " a phenomenon similar to what happened in Egypt with President Sadat when a revolution occurred in his concepts that ultimately led to negotiations with Israel and to peace " .
11 There had always been more in common between the front benches than either had in common with their followers in the country .
12 Colville 's diary shows just how shaken the Prime Minister was and how grim the mood that occasionally intruded at Chequers over the weekend of 24–25 July 1954 , during the ‘ stag party ’ to celebrate Oliver Lyttelton 's retirement from the Cabinet :
13 During the period of the first Opium war ( 1840–2 ) Jardine pursued banking and insurance in London , and successfully stood for election in 1841 as the Whig candidate for Ashburton ( Devon ) .
14 So Jessie became a secretary to a Manchester solicitor and eventually fell in love with and married an officer during the First World War .
15 I was lucky in my tutors and my college , and like so many young men before and since fell in love with the place .
16 Besides cleaning up the city 's litter , he was determined to cure its chronic pollution problem , and duly went to war on public and private traffic , proposing a total ban from some areas .
17 In 1915 and ‘ 16 he had proved he had n't lost his old touch , and so died in bed at a great age , garnished with colourful honours , many of them from grateful countries whose soldiers he had n't got killed even on purpose .
18 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
19 On Pecham 's death in December 1292 the Canterbury chapter unanimously elected Robert Winchelsey in February 1293 , probably with the king 's good will , but because the papacy was then vacant the archbishop-elect was not consecrated until September 1294 and only arrived in England in January 1295 .
20 The student bravely and patiently spoke with John throughout the contact .
21 Belief in these three Pates is said to have been very deep-rooted in Greece , and apparently survived in parts of the country almost till the present day , where birth customs included rites to propitiate these goddesses .
22 Lisabeth and Fenella were being moved out of the way and generally harried from pillar to post .
23 I went into London and I picked up this Tokai and just fell in love with it — it just had the perfect neck .
24 perhaps he 's been forewarned and just swapped over sides with , but I mean we had a full wind and light through then , well sort of
25 I walked up to these fellers , a few paces , and just stood in front of them , looked at them — they knew what was wanted — ‘ Clear off ! ’
26 Mr. Mahmoud was not a satisfactory tenant and soon fell into arrears with the rent .
27 The propertyless proletariat , exploited and progressively immiserized in line with Marx 's expectations , are in the less developed countries .
28 It is appropriate to recall that Elementary Matrices ( 1938 ) was printed nine times in U.K. , several times in U.S.A. , was translated into Russian and Czech , and finally republished in hardback in U.S.A. in 1983 .
29 But he withstood some solid blows and finally saw off Biggs with a right to the temple as the bell sounded to end the seventh round .
30 I realised the truth when I became close to a friend of a friend and gradually fell in love with her .
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