Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem that the direction in which it will be refined is to move towards a system more or less completely based on unit costs , or common funding , and that the element of further funding has been included as a temporary measure to allow high cost institutions to adjust to the new system .
2 As to 1 , the court took a rule of liability which had been more or less clearly perceived in connection with the escape of fire , cattle or unruly beasts , and extended it to the escape of mischievous things generally .
3 … As appears from the decision below , the plaintiff could have had no certainty of ultimate success , and we are of opinion that it was not called upon to take the risk of having its contracts disputed and its business injured and of finding the tax more or less nearly doubled in case it finally had to pay .
4 With the two sides more or less equally matched in numbers , and Wightman 's horse unable to deploy effectively , Tullibardine was well placed to achieve a modest victory .
5 Unlike the brachiopods , many of the modes of life of living bivalve molluscs can be more or less directly matched in fossil examples .
6 Over most of enclosed England , the small fields were hedged around with hawthorn fences , more or less thickly interspersed with ash and elm — the great trees of the Midlands — which when they were full grown gave the appearance of an almost continuous wood , especially when seen from an eminence .
7 As the answer to the first of these shows , the pair are closely linked ; for there appear to be two kinds of criteria for identifying the dominant instance of a society , which are more or less explicitly mentioned in Althusser 's work .
8 By early in the seventeenth century several of the states of Europe — France , England , the Dutch republic , Venice — already had permanent diplomatic representatives more or less securely established in Constantinope ( though the English and Dutch ones at least were for long concerned above all merely with the fostering of their countries ' trade : the former continued to be paid not by the British government but by a group of merchants , the Levant Company , until as late as the 1820s ) .
9 The question is , will interest rates be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in money supply , and will aggregate demand be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in interest rates ?
10 The question is , will interest rates be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in money supply , and will aggregate demand be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in interest rates ?
11 The mill was then possibly sold to Richard Webb , clothier , or more likely leased by Hudson and Henry Willoby to him .
12 ideas should be differently ordered or more fully expressed in order to convey their meaning ;
13 Hence the insistence on ‘ ethnicity ’ and linguistic differences , each or both sometimes combined with religion .
14 In such a situation the purchaser will normally be willing to take over the vendor 's liabilities up to a specified maximum or as specifically itemised in completion accounts .
15 Yet in almost every case of this kind the difficulty of relating theory to practice , of showing that radically reforming policies were inspired or even strongly influenced by theories of enlightened government , is marked .
16 The position is further complicated by the fact that pressure groups can be closely or even officially associated with parties .
17 For some policyholders the increase is partially or even wholly offset by adjustments made to the premiums for
18 This was repertory that , as recently as the 1970s , was recorded by some Continental ensembles with voices doubled or sometimes even replaced by lutes , trumpets , fiddles and other instruments .
19 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
20 However , despite the ingenuity of Shklovsky 's efforts , it became clear that the differential principle behind poetry could not be very extensively or very effectively applied to prose , and the functional opposition had to be constructed on rather different lines .
21 Overall in South America , some 22 per cent of the arid regions are severely or very severely affected by desertification and there are few remedial programmes in hand .
22 It was the kind of tragedy that so often called for sympathy — a momentary sympathy and thrill of horror , mixed with shamefaced satisfaction that it had happened to someone else -before one passed on to less disturbing news .
23 Afterwards Sharon 's stepfather appealed for a concerted campaign to end the spate of car thefts that so often ended in tragedy
24 Although still deeply committed to Marxism , in James ' view the nationalist movement had ‘ an autonomy and validity of its own ’ , and he therefore , on Williams ' request , gave his services to the cause .
25 The operation , although nearly always refused by vets in Britain , has become so common in certain countries that it even has an official name .
26 However , this has happened to a considerable extent under the banner of the Welsh Office and , although clearly much affected by events in the United Kingdom as a whole , and particularly in England , the Principality now enjoys a measure of devolution in educational matters .
27 Paraffin oil heaters , although now much improved in design for safety and ease of filling , can be a hazard for some of the frail elderly , and should not be used by them if any other form of heating is available .
28 The political solution was neither definitively adopted , nor even clearly formulated in Nizan 's mind at this stage .
29 Above one windscreen — although almost totally obscured beneath creepers of gold and silver tinsel — was blazoned the legend : SUNIL AND NALINI CONJOINED 20 FEBRUARY .
30 Although almost certainly influenced by Astell 's Serious Proposal to the Ladies ( 1694 ) , she attached little importance to the role of education in achieving greater equality between the sexes .
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