Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem that the direction in which it will be refined is to move towards a system more or less completely based on unit costs , or common funding , and that the element of further funding has been included as a temporary measure to allow high cost institutions to adjust to the new system .
2 As to 1 , the court took a rule of liability which had been more or less clearly perceived in connection with the escape of fire , cattle or unruly beasts , and extended it to the escape of mischievous things generally .
3 … As appears from the decision below , the plaintiff could have had no certainty of ultimate success , and we are of opinion that it was not called upon to take the risk of having its contracts disputed and its business injured and of finding the tax more or less nearly doubled in case it finally had to pay .
4 Unlike the brachiopods , many of the modes of life of living bivalve molluscs can be more or less directly matched in fossil examples .
5 Over most of enclosed England , the small fields were hedged around with hawthorn fences , more or less thickly interspersed with ash and elm — the great trees of the Midlands — which when they were full grown gave the appearance of an almost continuous wood , especially when seen from an eminence .
6 ideas should be differently ordered or more fully expressed in order to convey their meaning ;
7 Hence the insistence on ‘ ethnicity ’ and linguistic differences , each or both sometimes combined with religion .
8 In such a situation the purchaser will normally be willing to take over the vendor 's liabilities up to a specified maximum or as specifically itemised in completion accounts .
9 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
10 However , despite the ingenuity of Shklovsky 's efforts , it became clear that the differential principle behind poetry could not be very extensively or very effectively applied to prose , and the functional opposition had to be constructed on rather different lines .
11 Overall in South America , some 22 per cent of the arid regions are severely or very severely affected by desertification and there are few remedial programmes in hand .
12 It was the kind of tragedy that so often called for sympathy — a momentary sympathy and thrill of horror , mixed with shamefaced satisfaction that it had happened to someone else -before one passed on to less disturbing news .
13 Afterwards Sharon 's stepfather appealed for a concerted campaign to end the spate of car thefts that so often ended in tragedy
14 Although still deeply committed to Marxism , in James ' view the nationalist movement had ‘ an autonomy and validity of its own ’ , and he therefore , on Williams ' request , gave his services to the cause .
15 Paraffin oil heaters , although now much improved in design for safety and ease of filling , can be a hazard for some of the frail elderly , and should not be used by them if any other form of heating is available .
16 Generally the commonest medium-sized brown owl ; predominantly nocturnal and most often detected in daytime hunched up in its tree roost , being mobbed by smaller birds , when can be distinguished from Barn Owl by dark brown face and underparts and from Long-eared and Short-eared Owls ( p. 179 ) by black eyes and lack of ear-tufts .
17 This was important , because it showed that it was not a protein , and so clearly differed from lysozyme .
18 No indemnity will be given for loss of cash , bank currency and so on listed in Clause 11(c) — a substantial limitation of liability .
19 Of course , in addition to the bony structures in the limb — which are first laid down as cartilage and only later replaced by bone — there are muscles and tendons whose pattern is more complex .
20 The impetus of the scientific imperative was followed by technical mistakes , followed by a disastrous failure , followed by official reassurances — and only eventually concluded by official backtracking in the face of outside scepticism .
21 Similarly , although the works clubs which are in charge of workplace negotiations in Sweden are sub-organisations of the branches of the national unions and less loosely linked to union organisation than the equivalent shop steward system in Britain ( at least before the expansion of single-employer bargaining ) , nevertheless they act independently of the branch and national union headquarters .
22 This goes against the general trend of the rest of the survey ( which suggests that these groups are less well informed and less accurately informed about credit ) .
23 Although I now believe he over-estimated the importance of the part played by observation , his constant emphasis upon the personal , the sensuous and the experiential ( a world illuminated by the child 's sensitivity and never dictated by the teacher ) gave rise to work of much greater intensity , and much more varied in imagery , than the ultimately stereotyped products of Basic Design .
24 Also , it had become much more formal and much more structured in organization .
25 George Moore 's depiction of Jesus as having survived the Crucifixion followed on from a contention maintained not only by some of the oldest heresies , but also by the Koran , and thus widely accepted throughout Islam and the Islamic world .
26 He was not , in fact , the first to work with the Longhorns : a blacksmith named Welby living on the borders of Leicestershire and Derbyshire had been attempting systematic improvement of the type using animals from the Derbyshire herd of Sir Thomas Gresley of Drakelow House , Burton-on-Trent ( a herd which by 1720 was already uniform and impressively well matched for shape and colour ) , and a Mr Webster of Canley , near Coventry , bred animals from the same herd with stock from Westmorland and Lancashire .
27 It is now recognised that this approach , seldom if ever actually applied in practice , is based on a confusion of thought .
28 Indeed , it might be ventured that whenever there is the possibility we prefer to use this basis of organisation , probably because it is intrinsically more accessible and more firmly established as part of our mental " set " .
29 As women mature , their outward appearance becomes more and more strongly related to character .
30 Returning to our work Sid and I became more and more closely connected with Radio Station 1OAB and during the Annual General Meeting of the association that year I was appointed Programme Director .
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