Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [art] [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It examines all the circumstances to see whether they intended the money to be a deposit or merely a payment on account .
2 The number of visits was much greater : 11 per cent had 300 or more — almost one a day , 33 per cent between 100 and 300 — two or more a week on average , 19 per cent 50 — 99 , between one and two a week , 4 per cent 20–49 — between one a fortnight and one a week , 14 per cent 10–19 — less than one a fortnight , 12 per cent had less than 10 or less than one a month .
3 Can there , for instance , be any meaningful communion in the approval situation between a public librarian and a novel , a biography , a book on plumbing , an introduction to thermodynamics , or even a work on library classification ?
4 Ry Cooder Much more than just a wizard on slide guitar , Ry Cooder is a composer , a multi-instrumentalist , a lifelong student of ethnic music and a thoroughly nice bloke .
5 Declared expenditure on defence and security is now more than double the expenditure on health .
6 The will point to his agreement , however reluctantly , to the introduction of the Compaq Grand Slam Cup last year — the ITF 's official end of the season competition — which offered $2m to the winner and $6m overall , more than double the amount on offer at the ATP Championships and which even some of the players , including Boris Becker and John McEnroe , described as exorbitant .
7 My constituent felt strongly that neither the amount on offer from the student loans scheme nor the money available from the postgraduate access fund would be enough to compensate for the loss of housing benefit to her undergraduate daughter or to her elder daughter , who was on the postgraduate music course .
8 Both dramatic playing and performance use dramatic metaphors , abstractions which immediately qualify the kind , intensity and degree of emotional response — one can reasonably assume that neither the actor on stage nor the child in the classroom is actually going to experience murderous intent , overwhelming grief , spiritual ecstasy or sexual arousal during the drama experience .
9 Treaty and that therefore the rules on freedom of establishment were applicable .
10 Experience showed , he said , that the proportion which debts recovered bore to the cost of the court proceedings was less than one in twenty , and so a burden on trade and business .
11 She did not want to be responsible for the reckless consumption of any of the earth 's resources in the shape of fuel , and so a round on foot suited her perfectly .
12 As the hon. Gentleman knows , we have major proposals to widen the M6 and obviously the lighting on part of that road will be improved when the proposals are implemented .
13 This study was designed to evaluate the effect of adenoidectomy and adenotonsillectomy compared with no surgery and thus the data on effectiveness of treatment with ventilation tubes are somewhat a by-product .
14 It can not , of course , cover the full legal and statutory framework in 200 pages , especially since it includes a section on the structure of the industry , an analysis of the workforce and also a section on organisation patterns , together with a chapter on ‘ Managing Communication ’ which includes homilies on ‘ listening ’ , ‘ writing skills ’ , and ( inevitably ) ‘ motivation ’ and ‘ leadership ’ .
15 mankind must first of all , drink , have shelter and clothing , before it can pursue politics , science , art , religion , etc. ; and therefore the production of the immediate material means of subsistence … forms the foundation upon which the State institutions , the legal conceptions , art , and even the ideas on religion , of the people concerned have been evolved ( F. Engels , speech at the graveside of Karl Marx ) .
16 There are to be 5,000 more student places next year , biased to science and engineering , and then a freeze on recruitment for two years .
17 Put a piece of kitchen foil on the plate and then the mould on top of that .
18 In window boxes plant grape hyacinths , dwarf daffodils or dwarf tulips first and then the pansies on top .
19 And indeed the reflections on art by modernists such as Flaubert , Klee , and Auguste Macke did hold that literature and painting should be like music in a quest for the attainment of formal qualities and in a departure from realist notions of representation .
20 An announcement concerning changes to the Food Hygiene ( Amendment ) Regulations was received after thee April issue of Hospitality had gone to press and consequently the information on temperature in our Refrigeration feature was , unfortunately , incorrect .
21 For example birth control , you see you could use the same argument , you could say oh the Catholics say birth control is unnatural and we know they have a whole position on that and yet the data on infertility shows that in fact most women generate antibodies to some sperm , so the , those datas suggest that actively discriminating against sperm on the part of the women is actually natural and all that is happening in modern birth control technology is that women are developing or building on a natural er foundation that is already there namely to be choosy about when they become pregnant and by whom .
22 Before submitting the document we must be sure that a full Information memorandum exists , and ideally the data on input form should be taken from the completed Information memorandum .
23 When the country was united under one king in about 3100 BC , beginning the First Dynasty , the name of the king was preceded by the title " Horus ' and he was thought to be " the living Horus ' and therefore a god on earth , From the Fourth Dynasty he added the title " Son of Re " to his names .
24 The non-profit organization typically has no risk capital invested in it , and therefore the returns on capital are of little importance .
25 As an indication of how far off implementation of a pan-European standard is , it should be noted that there is as yet no agreement on surface characteristics , dimensions , or permeability .
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