Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 So are the many coloured statues that rise either arrogantly , gracefully , or humorously above the fountains that are discovered in quiet corners and sleepy squares .
2 Kit Everard was not a vain man , and he knew that even in the encounters that had given Ariel some pleasure ( later , when he 'd learned to check his premature excitement with her ) , she had not cared for him with her heart .
3 The vehicles started to move off to the washdown point and thence to the trains that would take them home .
4 In Britain children are looking forward to Christmas and especially to the presents that Father Christmas brings .
5 Evidence is being sought in surviving buildings , in records such as photographs , drawings , and documents , and especially in the goods that people have had in their houses .
6 To sum up , a number of interlocking factors have operated to shift the focus of concern about the impact of technological change on the quality of working life towards physical hazard from using the equipment ( eg radiation and eye damage from VDUs , equipment design ) and away from the ways that software , job design and work organisation could produce jobs that workers experienced as stressful , fatiguing and dehumanising .
7 So — we would much rather that you went out on a limb , that you did something , that you listened to the remarks of your peers and possibly to the remarks that we might make about them , take them away and think about them .
8 People who had driven him further and further into the woods that slope down from the Common towards the mam road to the south-west .
9 Andreeva went on to complain of historical plays , such as those of Mikhail Shatrov , which were arbitrary in their interpretation and close to the views that had been put forward by Lenin 's opponents , and she deplored the obsessive interest in Stalin among many writers , obscuring the fact that his was a complex and transitional period in which industrialisation , collectivisation and a cultural revolution had brought the USSR into the ranks of the great powers .
10 His explanation is partly geographical ( these composers , and the ‘ folk remnants ’ they use , came from relatively ‘ backward ’ Eastern European countries , where such archaic traditions still had valid life ) and partly on the grounds that the old materials are reinterpreted through incorporation in the composers ' radically alienated perspective and progressive language ( Adorno 1973 : 35–6 ) .
11 It had been faced and dealt with in the early centuries of the church and later along the lines that the inspiration of the Bible did not mean that God simply dictated the words , or that the authors ceased to be human and fallible .
12 I need to clear a narrow path through the rushes and also through the lilies that border the margins .
13 I erm unfortunately , er , agree with the previous speaker that a very strong calvinistic streak runs through me and I believe in the two parent family and also in the efforts that you should make to keep the family ge together , but I think too , there 's sp , er , perceptions of individuals and particularly , younger generations now in society , are so much different from my own perceptions when I initially became married and started my own family but what society has to look at the perceptions and expectations of the individuals in society .
14 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
15 The Bill gives the Secretary of State wide-ranging new powers , relating not only to capping but to the vast number of orders and regulations that he will be able to issue , and even to the grants that will be given to London 's voluntary organisations .
16 Two more , with Adam , had been across the river in the villages beneath the Long Mountain , in Leighton and Forden overlooking the river , and even into the hamlets that lay inland , in the high valley of the brook beyond .
17 In distinction to this , morality , for the Victorians and increasingly for the generations that have come after , has been to a significant degree organised around concepts of sexuality , so that even when moral attitudes were authoritarian and restrictive , as the dominant notions were for much of the nineteenth century , sexuality had a vigorous presence .
18 He told them about the oranges and bananas that grow in Aula and the quantities of milk and curd , and then about the monkeys that hop around and eat the crops .
19 It was a matter of very small beginnings for everybody , and then as the pictures that they made became more and more popular , more and more acceptable , used not merely in fairgrounds or in odd corners of shops and this sort of thing , for the odd fifteen minutes or twenty minutes of movie , but entered into the music halls , became one of the acts in the music hall entertainment erm this really was the foundation of a new industry , a new industry of entertainment , a new industry of information .
20 Let us look in more detail at the difficulties inherent for everyone in appropriate penetration and then at the problems that can arise in marriage when these are or an extreme nature .
21 So dismal was it that I thought first of Byron 's prophetic poem of the death of light , and then of the lands that lie north of the line of the Arctic Circle .
22 Let your imagination roan with your desperately running heroine firmly in the centre of your mind and then from the incidents that will ( if you have a ration of luck ) spring up , arrange them in order of difficulty , if your intuition has not done that already for you .
23 I 'm grateful , that 's for today , erm my Lord it may sound slightly more erm contentious , but I 'd also ask for certificate for counsel for the thirteenth of August hearing , may I say the reason for that , it 's a matter that has n't come before you , you wo n't know about , it 's this , this reason , because at that period it was n't just the application under twenty eighty or twenty eight , four for delay there was another application er , which was unsuccessful which has n't been proceed today , but cost were also disallowed with more serious reason , I submit that said showed er negligent or that improper conduct , there was a substantial attack mounted , and I can use no other words fairly describe it on the professional conduct of and for that reason my Lord er both cos the seriousness of the allegations , but of course also because of the potential conflict that they acted for themselves and it would of been in situation for us solicitor hence to turn up , er they instructed counsel and my self , and so for that double reason in my believe we should be entitled to at , at first stage , ordinarily I would n't of had a very good run for argument but I , it 's my suspicion my clue recollection , be backed up by those behind me , and indeed by the documents that a substantial attack was mounted and it was in , I have to say in full flight terms , and much hence could n't be said to be unreasonable to deem if necessarily , unusually to send counsel in front of a taxing master , well I wo n't say any more on the point , but that is my suspicion
24 Charlotte passed a glum and largely sleepless Sunday night , unable to restrain her mind from rummaging again and again through the clues that always led , however often they were re-examined , to the most hopeless of conclusions .
25 And , and again with the bills that is another option with the bills .
26 He went into her giant bathroom to take his mind off things and stood there awhile between her mirrors , thinking not particularly of how he looked himself but mostly of the inflections that she had caught from Fred , and also of how it must feel to be this negligently perfect child , who had obviously never in her life spent herself combating a flaw .
27 ‘ Yes , but only on the grounds that it was n't their fault .
28 But in terms of the preparation for that , in bidding for grant aid , and it was very much tied into a successful bid for grant aid , that was forthcoming but only on the grounds that the scheme was committed by the end of December .
29 Erm , it 's certainly true that we reduced the total size of a particular team or unit dealing with international affairs , but only on the grounds that we actually felt that it was very important that all the teams should be working on international and European dimensions of their work , rather than seeing it as compartmentalised in one area .
30 These vowel changes are brought about by rules — not the sort of rules that one might teach to language learners , but more like the instructions that one might build into a machine or write into a computer program .
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