Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adj] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Booker had been working at Liberal News and , after receiving a letter from Usborne , whose proto-satirical magazine Mesopotamia at Oxford had centred around Foot , Ingrams , and John Wells , the product hit the streets or rather those streets in South Kensington to which Andrew Osmond , another Oxford contemporary , chose to distribute it .
2 Many children and teenagers ‘ earn ’ their rides by mucking out , grooming , cleaning tack or perhaps leading beginners in return for the occasional free ride .
3 Drama work in a historic setting need not involve a polished " performance " but rather a workshop situation where every pupil is encouraged to enter into the thoughts and the feelings of a historical character , or perhaps several characters in turn .
4 ’ Learning is a more or less permanent change in behaviour not due to maturation or damage . ’
5 In the fifties I got into a set of about a dozen or so gay men in South London .
6 — conducted by the Casework Committee or specially selected interviewers in borderline cases .
7 Repetitive waves — namely , two or more separate peaks in response to a single swallow are also generally believed to be abnormal .
8 After two or more good seasons in succession , predatory birds become markedly more plentiful .
9 Split There were two or more correct hypotheses in sequence over the region of the hand-transcribed phoneme .
10 The cross is or slightly earlier date in origin and was the centre of a weekly market on Thursdays , for which a charter was granted in the 13th century .
11 However , evidence suggests that non-business travel is also important and can cover 67 per cent of all movement ( Clark and Unwin 1981 ) ; if this were to be substantially reduced by remote linkages by telephone or other means , the consequences for continued viability of still more rural public transport routes could be serious , especially where comparatively minor variations in demand can be critical .
12 The Enlightenment , then , is far more than a revolution in theories of knowledge ( epistemology ) or even new methods in science and critical philosophy .
13 The Oxford English Dictionary refers to the following gloss : ‘ a meaningless or even misleading phrase in English ’ .
14 But none the less , it is better to start off with some conceptual purity or relatively homogeneous phenomenon in order first to describe better the extent of that particular type of crime , second to facilitate its sociological understanding , and finally to evaluate the likely effectiveness of possible control/regulation proposals .
15 The main role of the National Savings movement is to collect the savings of small or relatively unsophisticated savers in order to finance borrowing by the public sector .
16 This is because the assumption is made that all important power in society is concentrated in the hands of the state .
17 While a major contribution of this work was to show that apparently meaningless differences in form were in fact carriers of social and stylistic meaning , the 1983 paper attempts on the other hand to demonstrate that forms which are referentially equivalent carry neither social nor stylistic meaning , but are constrained almost entirely by their syntactic environment .
18 There are also periods where the curve is so steep that apparently large differences in radiocarbon results arise from events separated by relatively small amounts of real time .
19 Another difficulty with the hot-spot model is that unrealistically large increases in heat flow are apparently required to explain the magnitude of uplift recorded in some regions .
20 Flotation is important in separating particles of tin oxide less than about 40 micrometres in diameter .
21 The largest craters of all , more than about 300 km in diameter , are usually called impact basins .
22 As long as the specimen has an accessible surface that is greater than about 2 cm in diameter and is unattacked by a suitable coupling liquid , the method will yield all the moduli together with Poisson 's ratio in five minutes plus the time taken to do the required calculations .
23 The practical nature of this course has meant that even past graduates in textile design have found their year on the machine knitting business course invaluable in further developing their chosen specialisation in fashion knitwear .
24 I hasten to add that no curse caused it — no hex or bewitchment , so far as the Adepts can determine ; nor even any lapse in liturgy .
25 Williamson(1968) showed that quite modest gains in efficiency could offset a substantial increase in monopoly power .
26 From a similar ideological stance as the ‘ trainers ’ are those who see the purpose of adult education with the unemployed as being either therapeutic — easing the process of adjustment and thereby acceptance — or controlling — ensuring that potentially disruptive elements in society are neutralised .
27 The Beecham Croup 's AMTES experiments tend to show , indeed , that qualitative differences between advertisements or campaigns are likely to be far more important than quite large differences in advertising weight . )
28 Evidence from leading industrial companies to the Trade and Industry Sub Committee of the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons in 1973 made it clear that too frequent changes in government policy and in the nature of controls and incentives covering the location of industry had led firms gradually to discount government policy when considering new investment in a way that was injurious to growth and the creation of new employment .
29 The occasion of Macleod 's fury was the process by which Lord Home had come to be chosen as Leader of the party and thereby Prime Minister in succession to Harold Macmillan .
30 This resulted in high profits and thereby increased investment in industry .
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