Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although taxation was a common reason for convening representative members , it was by no means the only reason for doing so ; nor was it , in proportion to the time spent on it , the principal or most demanding business of parliament .
2 ‘ Stateless societies ’ have existed , in which political conflicts and decisions are bound up with kinship relations , or with religious conceptions and rituals , and all or most adult members of society may participate in these activities , without any specialized group of people being able to claim a particular responsibility for carrying them on .
3 This must have been a joke , as he laughed , or perhaps any mention of marriage was a joke to Gordon , who walked past Nenna and settled himself between them in a small chair , actually a nursing chair , surviving from some earlier larger family home and much too low for him , so that he had to try crossing his legs in several positions .
4 Instead , courts would in practice normally set a new payments schedule , allowing repossession ( or perhaps some form of money sanction instead ) if the new schedule was not kept up .
5 Abrashes are usually found in monadic and village items , where only small amounts of yarn can be dyed at any one time , and are not a sign of inadequate craftsmanship .
6 Before that , all ‘ gases ’ were considered to be more or less pure samples of air .
7 In order to arrive at the answers , it is necessary to go through a more or less logical process of analysis , based on market research — whether published , or commissioned by the client , or ( occasionally ) commissioned by the agency — and on knowledge and experience .
8 In our old age we have found a more or less peaceful form of co-existence .
9 In the new world order , it may well be that nationalism functions as the opposition to that order , the main source of resistance and challenge to large and more or less integrated blocks of power .
10 The network of person-to-person relationships formula thus refers to sets of rights and duties which find expression in more or less predictable patterns of behaviour .
11 Even poetry would not address such matters except in the more or less orthodox , more or less devotional form of Paradise Lost .
12 Anthropological textbooks , along with the arrangement of the university syllabus , usually give the impression that an alien way of life can always be analysed according to a more or less standard set of chapter headings which divide up the total field into sub-sections denoted by the English language words : economics , kinship , politics , law , religion , magic , myth , ritual .
13 The result of these was that the areas covered by the ice and adjacent to the margins of the ice sheets experienced more or less regular successions of climate , ranging from glacial through periglacial to humid temperate in the glaciated areas and from periglacial to humid temperate in areas near the ice sheets .
14 In addition to this more or less regular sort of investiture , there seem to have been investitures on a number of special occasions , both state occasions such as the accession of a sultan , a victory or the birth of a prince , where the right of investiture extended to a number of scholars , and also more personal occasions such as a scholar 's acceding to a high learned office , where the right of investiture was limited to the individual involved .
15 The Special Advisory Board for the Army Medical Service had laid down as a basis for treatment ‘ a more or less continuous course of mercury by mouth for 1½ to 2 years ’ combined with mercurial ointment rubbed into the skin for 20 to 30 minutes daily over a six-week period .
16 First , there may be a more or less continuous emission of steam and other vapours , not carrying much solid material , which forms a white column rather like the plume above a power-station cooling tower .
17 Political theories and doctrines are both affected by political conditions and the needs of practical action , just as they influence them in turn ; and changes in these conditions are largely responsible not only for the more or less continuous process of reinterpretation of the ideologies of political parties and movements , but also for the more profound revision of theoretical conceptions .
18 That er they were all more or less that kind of band .
19 Opinion polls are more or less inaccurate measures of voting intentions .
20 There was , it seems clear , much deliberate or subliminal exclusion of the treatment of the Jews from popular consciousness — a more or less studied lack of interest or cultivated disinterest , going hand in hand with an accentuated ‘ retreat into the private sphere ’ and increased self-centredness in difficult and worrying wartime conditions .
21 Only political units which were small and remote from the international conflicts which agitated the greater powers , as were the Swiss cantons and some of the city-states of Germany and Italy , could hope to dispense permanently with some more or less effective form of kingship .
22 British liberal political thought , hitherto contenting itself with a more or less straightforward advocacy of laissez-faire non-interventionist policies , began to transform itself into what has been called " social liberalism " .
23 A recent specialist Soviet study on Southeast Asia argued that the term ‘ neutralisation ’ as distinct from the related terms ‘ neutrality ’ and ‘ neutralism ’ contained the idea of activity over a more or less defined period of time ; it implied a process of gradual and progressive development .
24 The changed nature of business — the shift to corporate organization and the break between the location and ownership of industry — means that old , more or less direct methods of incorporation on the Victorian model can not be sustained or renewed .
25 In practice , much academic interpretation — whether New Critical , archetypal , deconstructive , or whatever — is really , in his terms , a more or less refined form of description or ‘ scansion ’ .
26 Even after two Jacobite invasions had failed the Highlands remained in a more or less permanent state of lawlessness .
27 Thirdly , there is a close and continuous relation between the work of political scientists and the more or less routine conduct of government and administration .
28 From the last it can be determined whether the terraces fall into significant altitudinal groups or not , and thus whether they represent intermittent falls of base level punctuated by stillstands or a more or less steady fall of base level with terraces at all levels .
29 However , as the belief in metaphysical realism declined in the nineteenth century in favour of more nominalist , relativist or generally hesitant views of knowledge , the concept of a liberal education seemed to lose its firm epistemological foundation and become not so much a theory of knowledge as a theory of ignorance .
30 The rational approach would be to say candidly that the question , being legislative , must be settled with the help of the policy implicit in the Act , or by reference to convenience or social requirements or generally accepted principles of fairness .
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