Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] him [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hemmed in by bicks and shoulders , besieged by people wanting to shake his hand , put questions , or merely to remind him of past meetings , Cameron was struggling to respond and make each person feel attended to .
2 Towards the trespasser the occupier has no duty to take reasonable care for his protection or even to protect him from concealed danger .
3 A vomitoxin can be absorbed through the skin , causing a soldier to remove his mask to vomit and thus exposing him to other toxic agents , through his respiratory system .
4 It should always be possible for the salaried partner to rely on the nature of his subordinate position to claim to be entitled ( at any rate by necessary implication ) to an indemnity from the full partners in respect of any additional liabilities to which his being held out has exposed him : but as a matter of good practice , every would-be salaried partner should insist on written terms which clarify his standing in the firm and effectually indemnify him against extraordinary expenses and liabilities .
5 ‘ … and fairly lambasted him about young officers being allowed to make mistakes , learn from experience , and not be penalised etc etc . ’
6 On 2 October 1991 Jordanian security forces arrested Muhammad al-Fasi , a Saudi Arabian businessman , and reportedly handed him to Saudi Arabian authorities at the al-Haditha crossing point on the Saudi/Jordanian frontier .
7 If all Preston 's childhood friends had lined up against a wall , as when they were waiting to be picked for football , Preston would most likely have left William to pretty near the end and then put him at left back , or somewhere he would do the least damage to his own side .
8 Streat congratulated MacArthur on his ‘ momentous ’ achievements and then warned him against encouraging Japanese competition to the point where strong antagonism was aroused in western and eastern countries .
9 However , since the diagnosis of CMV retinitis was an AIDS-defining illness and therefore qualified him for permanent disability and other benefits , he had concealed this fact from those involved in his care .
10 At first Gaskell supported Deacon 's plans to manufacture alkali by the new Solvay process , but later persuaded him for financial reasons to employ the older Leblanc method .
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