Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] an [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She and Paula , who was in the sixth form , had struck up a close relationship ; when Louise was not occupied in tantalising and inflaming some poor young man she and Paula were always together , drinking endless cups of espresso coffee to the accompaniment of Elvis and Cliff and Tommy Steele on the juke-box in the Black Cat Coffee Bar , haring about on Louise 's smart little Lambretta scooter , or simply spending an evening painting one another 's toenails , plucking one another 's eyebrows and generally trying to make themselves even more fatally attractive to the opposite sex , which , without doubt , they already were .
2 More than just buying an operating system and securing a future for Novell , Noorda — a man held in high regard by a wide cross section of industry executives — takes on the expectations of all those seeing him as a Moses figure capable of stitching up the highly personalised wounds inflicted during the Unix wars and the aborted peace attempts .
3 9 Wake up the music of your choice with this Cassette Player Alarm that also includes an FM/MW/LW radio .
4 The particular attribute or group of attributes that uniquely identifies an entity occurrence is known as the key attribute or attributes .
5 This is true in more ways than simply obtaining an Equity card .
6 Each side would like mutual disarmament , but will be deterred from making any move in that direction by the belief that the other side would cheat , and thereby gain an arms advantage .
7 Aquino 's choice was criticized in some quarters for threatening the possibility of splitting her support — between those who would remain loyal to the LDP and those who would support Ramos — and thereby allowing an opposition candidate to win .
8 It would also have many applications in Third World countries since it uses rubber tyres in both modes and thereby has an incline capability of ⅙ This means that in Third World countries instead of flattening the mountains and filling the valleys to make them level to one could follow the contours of the countryside and enormously reduce civil engineering costs .
9 If your planning to move house and already have an endowment mortgage , watch out for ‘ churners ’ — agents who persuade you to cash in your endowment policy and take out a completely new one .
10 On Feb. 20 the House of Representatives judiciary committee voted for a six-month halt to repatriations , but on Feb. 24 the US Supreme Court rejected an appeal against the repatriation policy by eight to one and also rejected an emergency request to halt all repatriations .
11 International Standard Service offers delivery to almost anywhere in the world , and also offers an insurance facility : each item is automatically insured for up to £250 against loss or damage .
12 She was an only child of a single , unsupported mother who was trying to maintain them both by working full-time and also having an evening job three nights a week .
13 5 Check personal details are correct and securely attach an identity band .
14 The lathe has been modified and now has an indexing system with a range of divisions with 16 , 32 or 60 stops .
15 The purchaser 's lawyers will usually proceed by gathering all information already given to the purchaser and then issuing an information questionnaire to the vendor similar to that set out in Appendix II .
16 But Forest of Dean District Council refused planning permission for the caravan , and then served an enforcement notice ordering the Smiths to quit .
17 The nurse ( just twenty-two and looking forward to her holiday in Greece ) checked my hand for bits of glass and then applied an impression splint .
18 You can reduce this risk by ensuring that the man practises safer sex for the 6 months prior to insemination , and then has an HIV test .
19 Since remote sensing data sets ( especially those pertaining to terrestrial areas of the globe ) typically need much pre-processing to calibrate , transform and then perform an inference process and hence convert measurements of the radiation reflected or emitted by small areas of ground into useful ( e.g. land cover ) data , the processing power required is going to be formidable .
20 Meanwhile the I R A in a statement from Dublin have admitted they shot and seriously wounded an army careers officer in North London yesterday evening , and they 've warned of further attacks in Britain .
21 You will be asked to complete an application form and subsequently to attend an ACET training course one evening a week for six weeks .
22 The C Os may actually be working for a week or two and never see an E O.
23 Anthony Simpson , 45 , of Hillside Avenue , Grove Hill , Middlesbrough , was convicted of stealing a vehicle excise licence value £2 and fraudulently using an excise licence , fined £200 plus £30 costs .
24 I suppose actor Kevin Whately ( Morse 's sidekick Lewis and doctor in Peak Practice ) does have some appeal but so does an Andrex puppy !
25 CCGTs are more energy efficient than existing gas-fired stations , but still have an efficiency rating of only 50 per cent .
26 WILLIAM was ordained as a Church of Scotland Minister but later became an army Chaplain ; he served in India for several years and wrote a series of books on the country which are still highly regarded .
27 They now rely less on naff novelties and more on structure and nuance , while still retaining an Alec Gilroy-sense of showbiz .
28 After recently having an exchange engine professionally fitted to my 1980 Range Rover , I decided to completely renew the suspension using heavy duty front and rear springs ‘ G ’ on front ‘ Y ’ on rear and four new shock absorbers .
29 The main dissent came from conservative Republicans who saw the compromise as merely disguising an administration capitulation on affirmative action and quotas .
30 Philip Larkin spent his last years as a university librarian at Hull , where he administered but did not teach ; John Wain resigned a lectureship at Reading to live in Oxford , where he spent five years as a professor of poetry ; Iris Murdoch , though willingly leaving an Oxford teaching post in her middle years , has lived there , or near it , married to a professor ; and David Lodge and Malcolm Bradbury either retired early or went part-time .
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