Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has already been made clear that the definition of a ‘ professional ’ degree course being adopted here is an operational rather than conceptual one : it is a course which has a consistent and fairly exclusive relationship with a particular occupation , exclusive in that graduates from such courses tend not to go into other occupations , and in that entry to that occupation is largely or wholly restricted to graduates from such courses .
2 I 'm not really used to being so personal or so open about things in public but want to tell you of my great sadness in life .
3 One of the major objectives of the account was to reapportion credit within the movement since much of it had been misappropriated by those who had done little or only appeared after emancipation in 1834 .
4 The man who is validly baptised or rightly instituted into office in the Church is assured that he has the Holy Spirit .
5 Trifolium repens is unusual in that much of the genetic variation present within the populations is easily recognised in phenotypic differences that are visible or easily determined on plants in the field .
6 It is now an acceptable place to bivouac or just to break for lunch in bad weather .
7 In any long-standing power relationship the person or group losing each conflict must have interests which are suppressed , and either do not appear in the public realm or quickly founder for lack of support when they do materialize .
8 This is evident not only from the fact that the jurisdiction of the Legal Services Ombudsman under sections 21 to 26 of the Act stops at the moment when a complaint enters into the jurisdiction of a disciplinary tribunal : section 22(7) , but also from the fact that in section 27(3) Parliament refers to the process by which a barrister may be disbarred or temporarily suspended from practice by order of an Inn of Court without any hint that it disapproves or wishes to alter in any way the manner in which for centuries the Inns have made orders for disbarment subject to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
9 Women 's organisations had publicised the fact that wives were often assaulted ( sometimes raped ) by their husbands , and that numerous children were severely beaten or sexually abused by men in their families .
10 The former were either cast separately or as lines or blocks while the optical versions were engraved on glass disks or photographically produced on strips of film .
11 On the contrary it seems to be that , as the respective numbers become closer together , or even tend to overbalance in the opposite direction , alienation is bound to progress .
12 In short , theology is no longer simply taken for granted or even accepted by society at large .
13 The economics involved may mean some smaller ITV companies are taken over by larger ones or even open to takeover from Continental broadcasters .
14 But visitors have reported intolerable conditions on many wards , patients locked up all day or even chained to walls as approved forms of correction .
15 Since the second world war , but especially since the 1960s , the role of ‘ national economies ’ has been undermined or even brought into question by the major transformations in the international division of labour , whose basic units are transnational or multinational enterprises of all sizes , and by the corresponding development of international centres and networks of economic transactions which are , for practical purposes , outside the control of state governments .
16 On the other hand , if one reads between the lines , or simply attends with care to domestic allusions , signs of incipient change are numerous .
17 Poisoned by pollution , hunted for meat , drowned in fishing nets or simply bored to death in captivity , the toll is growing by the day .
18 Tapes could be made for specific campaigns , for use in education , or simply to cater for communities of interest too small to be considered by the broadcasters .
19 If , as has been suggested above , insider evaluation is primarily associated with curriculum improvement , it comes as little surprise that proposals for particular approaches are directly or indirectly related to models of curriculum design and development .
20 In the mid 1980s approximately four hundred foreign banks were directly or indirectly represented in London with American , Japanese and Arab banks dominating the scene .
21 Much , though not all , of the Earth 's tectonic , volcanic and seismic activity is directly or indirectly associated with movement between neighbouring plates .
22 His exact statement was that he ‘ had been assured by UPH that no profit of any description either directly or indirectly accrued to UPH from the transaction with Telecom ’ .
23 At first many counties established county-wide committees , but these either degenerated into battlegrounds for county/district rivalries or else atrophied through lack of business ( Alexander 1982a:37 — 8 ; 58 — 9 ) .
24 Having studied the proposals on behalf of the assembly 's Environment Committee , German MEP Mrs Ursula Schleicher said : ‘ The problem is immense , the substances involved — approximately 100 000 — are produced in anything form massive to minute quantities , dangerous to widely varying degrees and either known to possess dangerous properties or else shrouded in mystery on that point .
25 For example , subjects are often required to decide whether two stimuli are the same or different and then to respond on one key for " same " matches and on a second key for " different " matches ; or else to respond to instances of one kind of match and withhold responding to instances of the other kind ( a go/no.go discrimination ) .
26 The buffet tables were now open , and most people in here were either crowded around them or else standing in line with plates ; she could see the two Venetz sisters and their fill-in staff working the tables , carving , serving , and fetching .
27 The rank was either conferred by birth or else acquired by practice of the law , medicine or the liberal sciences , membership of a university , or serving as a ‘ captain in war ’ .
28 This followed a spate of incidents in which the ubiquitous Lenin statues had been toppled , blown up or otherwise vandalized in towns across the Soviet Union .
29 Give times for each step , and hence or otherwise comment on methods of optimizing direct retrieval .
30 In a centralised system the dull and docile will always go along with new policies , but no change can be properly interpreted or adequately sustained without support from active thinkers and innovators at different levels in a system .
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