Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 To put it at its highest , I was in no more than so-so shape by the time I reached Caduta 's .
2 No-one left the school unless the Headmaster was throwing them out and Endill could n't remember that ever happening in the time he had been there .
3 The Commander-in-Chief in Scotland was Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope , later the subject of a derisory song ‘ Hey , Johnny Cope ’ , and unkindly described at the time as ‘ a little , dressy , finical [ i.e. fussy ] man ’ .
4 Thus the child learns to heed the warning and so do without the time out .
5 The American Adventure opens at 10.00am and closes between 5.00pm and 7.00pm depending on the time of year .
6 This tough and challenging rural course finishes with a series of hills , which seem to grow steeper and more demanding as the time to challenge them comes around .
7 The fortress at Silves has a courtyard that was lined and pinned and partly excavated by the time we arrived in the pouring rain to look at it .
8 On leaving school Herbert joined his father as an engineering apprentice , and also worked for a time in the mechanical engineering laboratories of the City and Guilds Technical College in Finchley , London .
9 So deep was the division on the " entrist tactic " that the unified body reached the compromise of working within the Labour Party for a period and then withdrawing for a time and continuing independent activity .
10 ‘ I want to see you washed and almost dried by the time I come down .
11 As outlined earlier , Tiger and Fox suggest that there is an innate ‘ male bonding ’ stemming from millions of years ' history and ultimately linked to a time when men co-operated in order to hunt .
12 Here the failure may occur despite the fact that the episode in question has been adequately stored and is potentially retrievable ( if actually asked at the time the drivers could have probably correctly retrieved the information that they were uninsured / driving on full beam / on the wrong route ) , the problem is instead that the driver fails to use the knowledge available at the correct time .
13 These price and cost interrelations were not well and explicitly understood at the time , and it is perhaps anachronistic to criticise the industry for not adopting them .
14 But just think about the time involved .
15 There is a real possibility that the newcomer is not only exhausted but possibly wounded by the time he has won the harem .
16 It would seem obvious that at least some of those practitioners had not in fact vanished at all , but still existed at the time of the Crusades .
17 Unless specifically agreed at the time of making your booking , we can not accept any reservation which is made conditional upon a Special Request being satisfied .
18 It enabled Eliot to look not to the detested Unitarianism of his family , but towards a deeper , wider , yet also more personal ‘ rhythm ’ present , though scarcely recognized at the time .
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