Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 've [be] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Yes er erm my instructions are that all persons are accounted for in the premises and er once they 've been accounted for er then it was safe for other officers , i.e the C I D or Superintendent to go to that yes and they would not have been allowed in had I not received instructions that the house was secure and all persons accounted for .
2 Get a bit of sympathy cos I 've been asked for eight by you .
3 Siegfried , I do n't know what you 'll think , but I 've been recommended for the MC — and I 've recommended every single NCO who was with me .
4 and they can put that on the recorder but I 've been told for the last two and a half years by this government that I am not unemployed .
5 But we 've been separated for four years , ’ she reminded him in a more reasonable tone .
6 They 'd be secondhand shoes because they 've been worn for three days .
7 That as they 've been made redundant , as they 've been victimized for trade union activity possibly , we then as a union decide that they can not stand for office ?
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