Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] will [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You will obey me or I will take you to the Marshalsea Prison , and there you can sit and listen to what I say . ’
2 ‘ You mean as long as I clean the bath , he or she will leave me in peace , right ? ’
3 They will either put someone in your house on a full-time basis , or they will send someone round every day to check on things .
4 If it is denied or suppressed in some way , it will become a recurring experience , or it will convert itself into some other disorder of the body , emotion or behaviour .
5 Martin Luther , whose own convictions had been tempered and proved like the finest steel , knew well that in the hour of trial each man must have his own convictions , or he will find himself with none .
6 Punch , will you ride to Bishopstow House forthwith and leave a message to the effect that Miss Abbott is here with me and that I will return her within the hour . ’
7 And then you will tell him to come to a place that I will tell you of and at a time that I will tell you .
8 But I am going to having said that I will tell you of the few accidents that have occurred over the years , and one of them was mine in the early days when I was learning th the full size removal job .
9 I mean they 're the ones who are badgering me for , for qualifications , they 're badgering me for , I , I , I just told them straight that I will do it for them because I , I wo n't get paid for it
10 I have a man , quite as terrifying as myself , and I will send him to tell your aunt that you are quite safe and that I will restore you to her by nightfall . ’
11 I pay tribute to the work done by my hon. Friend the Member for Pontefract and Castleford ( Mr. Lofthouse ) in the area and promise that I will assist him in his fight .
12 I find it difficult to put my thoughts and feelings about this into words , so I will leave it to others .
13 To attempt to summarise the cookery of the Far East in two or three paragraphs would be impossible , so I will limit myself to a brief description of some of the more readily available Oriental foods , and an Eastern style recipe for the buffet table which is always very popular in my catering business .
14 These stories occur world wide , so I will limit myself to two which are told of sites on the Yorkshire Wolds only a few miles from where I live .
15 On page 48 , Jim Levi profiles the man who will occupy one of the hottest seats in British banking , so I will confine myself to a few points .
16 You must promise that you will show it to him as you have done to me . ’
17 We ask that You will guide her in all her work as a leader of our nation and the Commonwealth , and that you will bless her in the life of her home and family .
18 I hope that you will do something about it .
19 It does n't mean that you will do everything in this way — you will have your own ideas and so will your management .
20 This letter is to confirm our agreement that you will provide us with an authoring program for Reading for English .
21 We ask that You will guide her in all her work as a leader of our nation and the Commonwealth , and that you will bless her in the life of her home and family .
22 I will post this at once so that you will have it by tomorrow 's first post .
23 Now , what I was gon na do now was go through this quoick transformation right , you 're not gon na be asked t to produce it in an exam or anything like that , but the reason why I 'm doing it now is that you will need it for your er , your Q M exam not er your exam , your project right , cos there is a similar applicat , it 's quite a commonly used tool you 'll find er , where wherever we have a , erm , an expression with an infinite number of erm possibilities or an in infinite number of arguments .
24 We hope that you will support us in this venture .
25 Valda having provided the introduction , I was of course quite delighted to try and help you with names and contacts the other day on the telephone , and note that you will supply me with a strictly personal and confidential copy at the conclusion of your endeavours and I appreciate this VERY much !
26 Either I accompany you to your room and wait while you have your shower and do whatever else you feel necessary before we leave , or I wait here , in the lobby , and you give me your word that you will join me within the hour . ’
27 I know your ships comm will record this message , and that you will see it before long .
28 It 's blood that 's being lost at a high rate , it 's dangerous whatever ver vessel it 's coming from , so you will stop it by pad , pressure and elevation , you will attempt to reduce the loss of blood and assist the formation of a clot , once you 've assisted in the formation of a clot , by putting the pad on it , would it be sensible to have a little peak to see how it 's doing ?
29 This pretty island is only an hour away by ferry so you will have plenty of time to get a real feel for the island and begin to enjoy its special magic before it is time to leave .
30 Although we will clarify it in the course of this study , multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition .
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