Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have [be] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So what we are aiming to do is to set up more joint projects , like the one on financial instruments , where we have been working very closely with Canada .
2 In case you think I have been having a merry old time , I 'd better tell you also that I have been staying up to the small hours as there has been such a lot of preparation to do , and the course participants have also been keen to make use of our presence by asking all kinds of questions about English etc. , so this is literally the first free time I have been able to make since I have been here .
3 The mediation between theory and practice that I have been discussing here defines the domain of applied linguistics as this relates to language teaching .
4 It might help you to know that I have been writing down my dreams on waking , an accepted practice , I believe , in some circles , and perhaps of more use in my case than in some as I am by profession a writer .
5 It was this that prompted me to scrutinize Greek tragedy and thereby gain the new view of the Hellenic spirit that I have been putting forward .
6 Is he aware that I have been carrying out my own investigations , including a trip through the channel ?
7 The research-oriented approach to teaching that I have been proposing here obviously sets a high premium on teacher preparation , and that in turn raises the issues of the education and training of teachers .
8 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
9 Silicon Amnesia Sir : I bought your magazine for the first time this month and was very annoyed that I have been missing out on an excellent value piece of publishing catering to beginners ( me ) and experienced alike .
10 Fortunately for me , some of my friends and relations like something a bit more unusual , so I have been working out some new ideas for this year for those ‘ champagne ’ garments on a ‘ lemonade ’ income .
11 That way the surface area is restored and there is little sign that you have been digging underneath .
12 What you should recognize is that it is a warning sign that you have been doing too much , and that you need to get away from the patient , at least for short periods in the day , if not for some days or weeks .
13 Although we have been going there for 10 years the excitement of seeing all our friends will never ever die and I hope it is going to stay a good , clean Holiday site for many years .
14 In Northern Ireland ‘ The Thing ’ eventually unchained some of the other phenomena that we have been discussing here , which are inherently separate : endemic hooliganism ; the breakthrough of the use of the firearm ; and the infinite potential for blocking the formation of antibodies , for blocking the natural reaction of a society to violence , which exists in a divided community .
15 The kind of imprinting that we have been considering so far is called ‘ filial ’ imprinting .
16 Without defining ethics , they believe that we have been acting unethically : they describe a typical case in which elective ventilation might be considered — a patient with a clearly diagnosed fatal cerebral injury who undergoes respiratory arrest .
17 As I was saying earlier , paper qualifications can not guarantee to exclude the kind of evil that we have been reading about in the past few weeks .
18 ‘ I feel that we have been working together for much longer , ’ says Sandra , ‘ because even when we had our own businesses we would ring each other up for advice .
19 It is also the tip of the iceberg in another sense , for this complex of wage levels and tax rates that we have been examining also leads to another obstacle for those on welfare being able to improve themselves by taking a job , even if one is available .
20 The job of communicating is very important indeed and maybe one of our problems is that we have been doing so much within the business that we are not ready to communicate to the outside world that it perhaps does n't understand sufficiently what our targets are .
21 We have n't that much experience of working with thirteen to fourteen year olds , so we have been collaborating closely with the teachers in devising what could go into each lecture .
22 Although they have been living together for years they have had no idea how the other really felt .
23 ( a ) Spouses living together There is no charge to capital gains tax on a transfer of assets between husband and wife provided that they have been living together in the year of assessment in which the transfer takes place ( Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 ) ( " TCGA 1992 " ) , s58 .
24 They were always a big league band in the States , but it 's only in the last five years or so that they have been rising up the Euro league .
25 London is miserable , rain and boredom and I have been drinking steadily in an attempt to instil some gaiety into my apathetic mind …
26 Wesley and I have been looking round at just a few of the many attractions this year …
27 It so happens Kelly and I have been looking forward to this weekend , and I guarantee that men will play no part in it at all . ’
28 ‘ I have n't spoken more than half a dozen words to your wife in the whole time you and I have been working together , ’ protested Matt .
29 ‘ Roman and I have been working so hard on this business fair , he 's promised to take me away with him when it 's over ! ’
30 My boyfriend and I have been going out for six weeks and everything is wonderful but it takes me honestly two hours to reach orgasm .
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