Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] were [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You see , ’ he went on as though they had been talking all afternoon , ‘ I had no idea until this morning that you were in the same state as I. ’
2 I had n't realised that you were from an academic background . ’
3 So you were in the sick bay , and naturally Hilary came to see you .
4 We bought Dowty knowing that we were at a low point in the aircraft build forecast , that was part of the reason for the timing .
5 But it was still comforting to have with us little Liena , our 19-year-old interpreter who was a very competent rock climber and all-round mountaineer , for she had climbed Elbrus in the past and could give assurance that we were on the right course .
6 We could be accused of listening to foreign propaganda even if we were not , and now that we were on the suspected list this could have been a good excuse for having us arrested again .
7 Well that was the , the erm union for us , erm I think erm one of the great assets of being in public transport was that we were in a local erm pension scheme , erm when , when we in the office started , we had to wait until we were eighteen and then we had to wait for a vacancy because there was a limited number of people that the Council were prepared to back by paying a similar amount .
8 So we swapped addresses with er , ca n't remember , it was a man middle-aged sort of man and er he then said ooh , well he said I still think that we were in the right in as much as if that policeman was supposed to have been directing traffic blah blah blah blah blah !
9 The consequence , for me at least , was that I reckoned that the earthquake account for 1992 had , so to speak , been settled , and that we were in the clear for a year or so .
10 We both understood that we were in an extraordinary situation .
11 Daylight showed us that we were in an idyllic sixteenth-century thatch-roofed cottage , set in the immemorial , rolling Wiltshire countryside .
12 ‘ We consider training to be crucial and we are spending more on it now than we were during the last recession , ’ he said .
13 Once we were in the main concourse , I put down my suitcase and turned to say goodbye .
14 Although they were at the agricultural policies undoubtedly continue to be relevant , still have a significant part to play in many current situations .
15 Although they were in the same show and of the same age , they were a world apart as women and performers .
16 Complaints are likely to rise , even though the sound levels may be lower than they were during the relative ‘ boom ’ days before the recession .
17 However , the experience in New South Wales so far suggests that sentences under the new dispensation are certainly no lower than they were under the old regime .
18 Mr Smith , whose team are 6–1 outsiders for the Cup , agrees with the bookmakers in rating Liverpool even stronger favourites tonight than they were for the first meeting .
19 No doubt conditions today are far more egalitarian than they were in the nineteenth century , but then only a privileged few had the vote .
20 In terms of space , sunlight and unpolluted air , the squatters are better off than they were in the crowded , unventilated and noisy slum courts .
21 Despite recent improvements , unemployment is more than 20% , and real wages are lower than they were in the early 1980s .
22 Thus most places are now characterized by longer life expectancy , lower fertility , higher average age , smaller household size and more lone-parent families than they were in the early 1960s .
23 Marketing margins in the USA showed some signs of recovery but are still lower than they were in the late 1980s .
24 Sherman believes that , as a result of these changes , police are more likely to talk their way out of a potentially disorderly situation than they were in the 1960s ( ibid.:231 ) .
25 UNESCO , who has suddenly come alive , has invited the two of them to plan an experimental city in which new technologies and new ways of living can be explored more fully than they were in the real world .
26 In Scotland , however , while differences between the social classes in educational attainment remain , they are smaller in the comprehensive system than they were in the tripartite .
27 Mr Lawson is right to say that deficits are more sustainable than they were in the 1970s .
28 In the 1980s , the personnel departments of many organisations are a lot slimmer than they were in the 1970s .
29 Institutional investors have shown themselves , as in the Airtours-Owners battle to be less welcoming and more sceptical of bids than they were in the '80s .
30 Overall during last year , this is to the end of , of November actually because fin figures are n't available for the end of the year , the reduction was four point nine percent , which compares with four point three percent in the previous year , so not only are they still going down , they 're actually going down slightly more than they were in the previous year and that must be encouraging .
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