Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is [adj] [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is common knowledge that dogs have been extensively employed in times of war , most people imagine that the cat has never been exploited in this way .
2 Although it is common knowledge that the authorities sold a great many works of art from Russian museums to foreign buyers during the 1920s and 1930s , it is rather less well-known that the book reserves of Russian libraries were similarly violated .
3 He defined shared values in the 1980s in the broadest sense , But I maintain not only that it is valid to speak about shared values in that sense , but also that it is that commonality that defines us as a society .
4 Before 1981 the authorities concentrated on a whole range of liquid assets and on broad measures of money supply , like M3 : the argument being that it is broad liquidity that determines credit creation and broad measures of money that influence aggregate demand .
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it is good news that , even in the teeth of an international recession , the Government have achieved reductions in interest rates , which means that the family man with an average , typical mortgage of £30,000 pays £100 a month less ?
6 Various reasons are suggested to explain the resurgence in recent years but the weight of opinion is that it is operational problems that are at fault rather than technical deficiencies — for example , poor application of the insecticide rather than resistance to it and organisational shortcomings rather than aberrant behaviour of vectors .
7 While I can not associate myself with some of the language used by the hon. Member for Sunderland , South ( Mr. Mullin ) , many people feel that it is high time that the United States modernised its economic relations with Vietnam and started to observe the common action programme agreed between 24 countries in respect of the Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong .
8 Is not it really the case that the Government do not care about training , that we have a disastrous training record and that it is high time that we had a Labour Government to tackle the problems ?
9 Even though the Prime Minister has not incorporated the provision into the agreement at Maastricht , does he not agree that it is high time that we in this country also took those steps for ourselves ?
10 wolf suggests that it is this sector that provides the catalyst for rebellion and he shows how , in six major revolutions in the world , it is the middle peasantry who have formed the pivotal group for peasant action .
11 An initial diagnosis of the Gettier counter-examples may be that it is just luck that Henry 's justified belief is true .
12 Hurley suggests that endotoxin in the bloodstream is an epiphenomenon accompanying the transition of bacteria to their cell-wall deficient L-forms , and that it is these L-forms that are responsible for the symptoms .
13 Others questioned the fact that it is unskilled jobs that are disappearing and suggested that workers are , in general , being deskilled in manufacturing industry .
14 Also , it should not be forgotten that it is raw data that is being presented and not refined information .
15 Such studies have received a lot of publicity , so it is small wonder that the average family doctor suspects a psychological cause rather than a physical one , especially where patients complain of multiple symptoms .
16 It is of course an external system , well over 150000 light-years away , and it is sheer coincidence that it lies almost behind the two globulars , 47 Tucanæ and NGC 362 .
17 Representations of system-sentences may of course be used in metalinguistic discussion of the structure and functions of language : and it is such representations that are customarily cited in grammatical descriptions of particular languages .
18 John Tanner argues that this is far from the truth and it is other fish that slip the net .
19 The other is the far gamier world of Defoe and Fielding , and it is that memory that Amis and Murdoch revived .
20 ‘ Farmer Giles was backing his luck ’ , as people often do ; and it is common knowledge that while this is irrational it works much more often than mere ‘ chance ’ would dictate .
21 Part II deals with membership and it is common ground that Norwich was eligible to be , and became , a member of Lautro .
22 Accordingly there was no consideration for the owner 's agreement to pay the further 10 per cent. , since the yard were already contractually bound to build the ship and it is common ground that the devaluation of the dollar had in no way lessened the yard 's legal obligation to do this .
23 Whether the organisms responsible are in fact identical , and it is local factors that give the difference in clinical manifestations , or whether these diseases are examples of adaptive , divergent evolution , is not yet worked out .
24 The molars are shaped in an upward arch as can be seen from photo one and it is these teeth that become sharp and need rasping .
25 Women 's efforts to create and maintain a home are found in all cultures , and it is these efforts that the Lady of the Hearth represents .
26 However , the bulk of LDCs have neither oil resources to export nor a diversified manufacturing base , and it is these countries that account for a high proportion of the world 's poor .
27 This is perhaps inevitable since deconstruction resists teleology , and it is this resistance that has enabled its enemies to call it nihilist .
28 The feature of human culture and human activities that gives rise to the representation problem is above all that human communities embody norms , and it is this notion that I shall principally discuss .
29 And it is this struggle that showed us a way .
30 Police determination to control the volume and the effect of picketing made movement around the country and demonstrations at collieries extremely difficult ; ‘ much secondary picketing was prevented from taking place , effectively or at all , by police action rather than the intervention of the civil courts , and it is this factor that is at the heart of complaints that the police broke the strike , or were used to break it ’ ( Wallington , 1985 : 148 ) .
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