Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] turn back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I looked round very carefully but could see nothing , so I turned back on the tail of the nearest Hun , who was chasing some Hurricanes in front of him .
2 Well if you turn back to the various sectors .
3 Friendship is more important than mountaineering , and so for their sakes I told them they 'd done very well and we turned back to the prospect of a more leisurely Sunday afternoon , with colour supplements , cats , coffee and carpets to lie on .
4 He waved weakly after the car but he did not speak as Rose shut the door and they turned back into the house .
5 And he turned back to the Toyota , reaching in to the rear seat and coming out with the blasting plunger .
6 But his mouth suddenly tightened and he turned back to the sterilizer in dignified silence .
7 He was more in command of his emotions now , and he turned back into the room .
8 Myra watched them go , a happy smile on her face , before she turned back into the dressing-room to swathe the wedding gown in its covers .
9 Pascoe pictured the woman watching the man out of sight before she turned back to the phone .
10 Transfixed by the sudden intensity of his gaze before he turned back to the Empress , she was totally unprepared for what happened next .
11 Her grim smile was triumphant when she turned back to the open freight car .
12 As she turned back to the changing room , Nora caught her arm .
13 The other girl made no attempt to hide her disgust as she turned back to the books lying before her on the table , and Rory felt her spirits sink still further as she headed for the door .
14 ‘ Number nine , Gracecourt , ’ he said as they turned back to the street .
15 When he turned back into the kitchen , Zervos was scowling at him .
16 When he turned back into the room Isabel saw he had her gown in his hand .
17 He realized his mistake too late and when he turned back to the entrance Sabrina was already there , blocking his escape .
18 He grinned when he turned back towards the bed and saw Isabel watching him with a mixture of shyness and feminine appreciation that brought a blush to her face .
19 Lord John sighed inwardly as he turned back to the window .
20 As he turned back to the eerie blue-blackness of the strip lights in the corridor , Cardiff heard a thick grunt and the slap of someone falling heavily to the tiled floor .
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