Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] tell i about the " in BNC.

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1 It was then that she told me about the hysterectomy . ’
2 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
3 I knew him as well , of course , so I contacted him and he told me about the trip . ’
4 And he told me about the increased risk of late miscarriage with amniocentesis as well . ’
5 I 'll give you the dirt , ’ he said , denying the child his treat , ‘ when you tell me about the will . ’
6 When you told me about the American girl , I hoped it meant you 'd got over Pickles .
7 ‘ And , even when you told me about the break-in , I knew it was n't really that . ’
8 When you told me about the horoscopes , did n't I tell you I wanted to help ?
9 However , I can remember clearly my own alarm , bordering on terror , when he told me about the Butcher 's measuring rod .
10 I remember him chuckling when he told me about the big farm men who came to have their teeth extracted .
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