Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] can [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 Or we can describe the same action using a PASSIVE sentence , in which the subject of the sentence ( italicised below ) is acted upon ( rather than acting ) .
2 Although you can do the same via the menus ( the corresponding sequence being Chart , Edit Data ) it is much more convenient to click on this icon .
3 Taking a cricket bat to the audition is n't a bad idea although you can get the same effect with an umbrella .
4 The irony is that you can create the same look for a tenner down the market .
5 The amazing thing about memory is that you can use the same hooks for a multitude of lists without ending up in confusion .
6 Just as you can remove sulphur from power station emissions so you can do the same with carbon dioxide .
7 Now it so happens that we can make the same substitution of forms in an otherwise completely different sentence , producing an exactly parallel change of meaning :
8 It is surprising how often we forget that we can do the same with video .
9 He said : ‘ The five Scottish ‘ Techs ’ have shown over and over again that they can achieve the same high academic standards as our eight universities .
10 A Local Area Network is a way of connecting computers together so that they can use the same database software , exchange information , or share the use of printers and modems .
11 Let us imagine , for the sake of illustration , a company being able to change its production process so that it can produce the same number of widgets but with half the number of people .
12 I 've gone bankrupt once through it and I can see the same thing happening again … .
13 Will it help Barry if if I can use the same to actually ask him if ?
14 Let's see if I can get the same then
15 At the end of each week you can then add up your total time and compare your planned and achieved time to measure your progress ; and you can do the same thing at the end of 30 days .
16 Now that would do , that would do whether the , whether the knuckles were hurt or it was just a minor cut in the palm of the hand there , that would do and you can use the same type of bandage on the foot alright , so that 's if the hand was damaged , now supposing we did n't have the hand damaged , but we had instead a cut up here , okay , again clean it and if you clean it with lots of water always remember to dry off around the wound because bugs love a moist skin to grow in , dry the wound before you apply the dressing okay if you can , dry it off the best you can and then you 're going to place that over the cut , remember you want the pad to be long enough , big enough , okay , now she can hold this for you again , she can hold it above where the wound is and now when you bandage this one you always bandage from the narrow part to the fat part of the limb , you always bandage from the narrow to the fat , so you take the bandage down
17 It can reduce your heating bills , since your home will waste less heat , and you can maintain the same internal temperatures without burning so much fuel .
18 They always find out as much as possible about the areas through which they move , and we can do the same .
19 We know horses like to caress and scratch each other with their muzzles and teeth , and we can copy the same sort of contact on the horse 's back , neck , or chest , with our fingertips .
20 This is — and we can say the same about a dozen or so batsmen in our region including Somerset 's luckless Ricky Bartlett and Gloucestershire 's Mark Alleyne — a crucial summer for him .
21 But if we can get the same information for an even lower level of risk , then that is really what people should do .
22 Sheridan said : ‘ The team did very well without me last season and they can do the same again .
23 There is no real difficulty in accepting the functional equivalence of variants such as lt ] and [ ? ] if they can occupy the same position in a set of words ( such as the syllable final position in bat , pit , hot ) without replacement of one by the other altering the semantic form of any item .
24 It can take three to six months of regular vigorous aerobic exercise to build up a powerful heart and lungs ; and it can take the same period of inactivity to lose it all .
25 But you can see the same ideological contours behind it , in that here are a body of professionals who are trying to shore up a crumbling system .
26 Shop manager Mohammed Afzal is angry that newsagents can sell groceries but he can do the same with papers .
27 We can other things however though , because we can do the same things for actual .
28 But in any case , the best proof of the pudding is in the eating — by which I mean that any one who has tried to help young poets over the years , whether in Britain or America , knows that Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction are what most of them most need to learn — no novelty , after all , since they can learn the same lessons from the preface to Lyrical Ballads , if they choose to .
29 Next time you develop an ache , lump , pain , or tenderness in part of your body , see whether you can find the same thing on the other side .
30 Her mother says , ‘ Do n't judge before you 've not actually been and do n't believe everything you read 'cos you can read the same stories about every town in England , good and bad . ’
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