Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be the [adj -est] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Conservatives now have six representatives on the local council , where they are the largest party , and desperately need a victory in North Down on Thursday to establish themselves in the province .
2 He went to police college on April Fools ' day , 1970 , where he was the best student among his intake .
3 All I can say is , this is either bullshit , or it 's the biggest story in the history of mankind . ’ .
4 Or it 's the biggest cause of the budget deficit erm , in this country , is unemployment and social security etcetera , and we get a , a brilliant plan for erm , job creation , and what do they do ?
5 Darling darling , I feel that I am the luckiest man on earth and I want you to know that I know I am .
6 I 've persuaded the people who matter that I 'm the best man to work with you to help us clear this up , but I 'm like a football manager , Cameron ; I can be replaced at a moment 's notice and I 'm only as good as the results I get .
7 ‘ So , OK , I 'm not saying that I 'm the best commodity dealer in London .
8 He rings back to inform me that I 'm the rudest person he has ever met .
9 I am very proud that I was the highest scorer for Darlington for many years .
10 He always wore a gown , he beat boys whenever he thought it necessary , he did not need to assert that his was the best school in Wales , if not Britain .
11 Dr Robert South emphasized this point when he declared shortly after the Restoration that the Anglican church ‘ glories in nothing more than that she is the truest friend to kings and to kingly government of any Church in the world ’ .
12 I would say that she is the strongest woman er heroine that we 've read .
13 When she looked at him through her veil her fears vanished and she thought that she was the luckiest girl in the world .
14 Hendry , who has now earned over £200,000 during the 1992-93 season despite his relatively poor run of results , added : ‘ When you believe that you 're the best player in the world it 's very depressing when you keep on playing like an idiot . ’
15 That you 're the biggest gossip in the Club ? ’
16 Your superiors tell me that you are the best officer they have .
17 You might very well say that you were the greatest law lecturer in the world , because people tend to say these things about themselves .
18 It would be unlikely that you would say that you were the worst law lecturer in the world unless you were .
19 Although we were the biggest employer in Britain , we had no serious employee-involvement policies .
20 What we should do is show that we 're the best union by effectively representing our members , and if others want to join us , then they can , but on our terms .
21 Erm the young ones will remember Nottingham Forest but the ones with any depth I think are well aware that we are the oldest club in the world and that they were very keen to have a look at the ground .
22 Customers buy product-belief : belief that your products are the best value for money , that they are the best quality , that they will receive the best after-sales service .
23 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
24 This was evidently regarded as a heavy burden by the English government , although it was the merest tumulus compared with the great Everest of debts owed by the Emperor Charles V. The English Crown had escaped large-scale indebtedness by selling Crown lands , which produced 32 per cent of the total revenue raised for war , and by debasing the coinage , which produced just about as much .
25 This was n't an especially spectacular event , although it was the biggest eruption on Etna for some years , and there were no casualties , but none the less it was very instructive .
26 The difference was that until 1688 loans had been made directly to the King : he ran the government as an extension of his private household and , although he was the richest individual in the country , he was in many ways just a private borrower like any other and a prudent lender would not trust him with a loan that would run for a long time .
27 well , when I say that it 's the best opportunity for peace I 've seen in twenty years .
28 Come Friday , take her out to lunch ( and make sure that it 's the best restaurant around and , furthermore , that you pay — not the company ) .
29 small number of sentences number that they come out understanding and that 's rather mysterious So to explain just in general terms , you 're interested in describing language in such a way that it 's the kindest thing that 's easy to learn , rather than hard to learn .
30 As Althusser was keen to emphasize , according to Marx morality works simply as a form of ideological control , and Levinas concurs that ‘ everyone will readily agree that it is the highest importance to know whether we are not duped by morality ’ ( 21 ) .
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