Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've come straight from the hospital , and now I 'm on my way to St Mary 's , where I 'm due at five .
2 where you are ineligible on other grounds to claim unfair dismissal , perhaps because you are past normal retiring age or fall within an excluded category of employment ;
3 All goods must be of sound materials , workmanship and ( where you are responsible for this ) design , and shall be equal in all respects to relevant samples , or patterns provided by or accepted by us .
4 And if you want to have a go at using bulletin boards , or you 're sick of that hulking great fax in your office , you can buy a fax modem card .
5 If a reader ever expects to do more about the stringing of an old keyboard instrument ( or a modern instrument designed after one ) than replacing broken strings , it is essential that he or she is familiar with this book .
6 A PR executive thus needs to be placed so that he or she is aware of all issues , policies , attitudes and opinions that exist in the organisation that have a bearing upon how it is perceived by the organisation 's publics .
7 However , where we are aware of any building works which may reasonably be considered to adversely affect your enjoyment , we will notify you as soon as possible .
8 I am pleased that in 1984 Johnnie Spencer sold his family papers to the British Library , where they are available to all historians .
9 UDCF is not the only factor/invoice discounter to have reviewed its ‘ book ’ and shifted some clients to factoring , where they are subject to tighter controls .
10 They were most common in flat landscape areas , on the eastern half of the country , where they are visible for many miles .
11 Chris met lead guitarist Graham at school where they were involved in various dodgy bands .
12 These restricted lawful picketing to the pickets ' own place of work and removed the unions ' legal immunities from civil actions , so making them liable for damages up to a certain limit where they were responsible for unlawful industrial action .
13 People buy goods and then find , for one reason or another the goods are faulty , or they 're unsatisfactory in some way and the customer then tries to get some kind of compensation .
14 If they are arthritic , their sight is poor , or they are subject to dizzy spells they may trip over the flex .
15 Unfortunately many patients present tumours too extensive to resect or they are unfit for such surgery .
16 Alan Fountain is a Senior Commissioning Editor at Channel 4 , where he is responsible for Independent Film and Video .
17 Mawson made several trips to America and Canada , where he was involved in major town-planning schemes in Ottawa , Vancouver , Calgary , and Regina .
18 After visiting Uganda , Ethiopia , Kenya ( where he was outspoken about Western governments ' attempts to pressurize African countries into hastening the pace of political reform ) and Mozambique , Mandela returned to South Africa on July 18 .
19 Where it is necessary for any goods to be sent by post please make allowance for this in your remittance .
20 Why does a sloth leave the relatively safe canopy to defecate on the hostile forest floor where it is vulnerable to terrestrial carnivores ?
21 Prostitution is widespread , an integral part of a highly poverty-ridden and machista society , where it is common for adolescent boys to be taken by relatives to a brothel for their sexual initiation .
22 To quote : It is the distinguishing characteristic of a healthy higher education that , even where it is concerned with practical techniques , it imparts them on a plane of generality that makes possible their application to many problems .
23 The stretch lace was bought at a market stall where it was available in black , white and skintone — I think it is used in the lingerie industry for bras !
24 Four years ago we started the Autocar & Motor awards , established to give credit where it was due to all aspects of the global motor industry .
25 All in all , the juvenile labour exchange legislation served to institutionalize the transition from school to full-time employment , and in so doing provided it with priests and rituals ; the transition became a rite de passage and , therefore , brought this aspect of the adolescent 's life into a formal arena where it was subject to critical scrutiny .
26 Although I am sorry for those young people , I believe that their problem is often psychological , rather than inability to find work .
27 The inescapable fact is that I did n't want to be a woman , although I was unaware of this at the time .
28 Anger responses can quickly degenerate into self-pity , self-indulgence or self-righteousness ; a desire to teach the other person a thing or two — even an exaggerated desire to show that I am right after all , and I told you so !
29 And there is no point denying that I suffer from Denial , because this means only that I am guilty of Deep Denial .
30 I do not know that I am sorry for that .
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