Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 or I just wait till the mix .
2 Where you ever put on the landing ?
3 In America that either means you made it , or you just got off the boat .
4 If a user wants to read all the news stories on say , Lloyd 's insurance , he or she simply types in the name on a computer keyboard and a complete list of stories appears on the screen in seconds .
5 It will all depend on the choice to be made by the national legislatures , and in the case of countries which make the third choice the employee 's option not to transfer may give the worker no more than he or she already has under the Mikkelsen doctrine i.e. the option of going over or resigning from employment with the transferor .
6 Polar bears , especially mothers with cubs , tend to spend the summer on the islands , where they also graze on the vegetation .
7 Then , in 1988 , traces of 10 were found in Vietnam 's Nam Cat Tien swamp , where they presumably lived through the war .
8 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
9 The courts have sometimes appeared to embrace a rule that a person can become a constructive trustee not only because he personally receives trust property knowing it is transferred in breach of trust , but also where he knowingly assists in the breach .
10 He wondered if Slater intended to walk the whole way with him , or whether he was only going as far as the Air Gallery , now only just across the street , where he sometimes went in the afternoons .
11 Fearon looked temporarily nonplussed , then shrugged , tossed the towel back into the bathroom behind him where it presumably landed on the floor and growled , ‘ All right , I 'll show you around .
12 The visioncare business , which Pilkington has been nurturing for three years and where it now ranks in the world 's top three , increased its operating profits by £4.4 million to £18.8 million .
13 The visioncare business , which Pilkington has been nurturing for three years and where it now ranks in the world 's top three , increased its operating profits by £4.4 million to £18.8 million .
14 FitzAlan tossed the gown carelessly on to the stool , where it promptly slithered to the floor .
15 Although I duly applied for the Fellowship , I was unsuccessful , no doubt to my lasting benefit , as similar failures have served to prove .
16 I knew that I wanted a free and independent life although I secretly subscribed to the idea of marrying a professional , sighted man .
17 Despite his reputation as a political bruiser , in social policy Mr Clarke is a lot ‘ wetter ’ than his erstwhile rival for the chancellorship , Michael Howard , who may bring a less breezy touch , as new home secretary , to matters of law and order .
18 Er so what I did was something a bit simpler than that I just went through the memorandum and and ticked off what I regarded as restrictive statements as against positive ones .
19 Then there was this thing that I constantly talked to the press .
20 There are certain things like active , that I actually do throughout the branch as well .
21 Now that I actually stood in the house of Victor Frankenstein , I felt myself no more than a character in a fantastic film .
22 Not that I ever went into the house , for the doctor 's surgery , which he shared with one other , stood in Witney High Street where it widened into the market place .
23 It 's , it 's like the one aunty Lynne had and I , I bought for aunty Lynne , years ago , that I still got in the cupboard you know .
24 I was so thankful she was well that I too laughed at the repartee .
25 When I was , shall we say , inducted into the SS , the deal was that I only operated against the Russians .
26 He lifted and transferred my soul from the depths up to the heights , so that I ardently longed for the pleasures of heaven more than I had ever delighted in physical embrace or worldly corruption …
27 He was a man whose approachability made him seem so very affable , but no one , however wealthy , becomes a Presidential hopeful without some steel in the soul , and it was that sudden steel that I now saw in the senator 's eyes .
28 The reason is not that I now disagree with the stance I took ten years ago , but that in this past decade my own understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in the individual and in the Church has greatly developed , and the whole charismatic or renewal movement , then comparatively young , has matured enormously within the life of the Church at large .
29 The flat in West Kensington was really only three large , formerly elegant rooms , with ceilings so high that I often gaped at the room 's proportions , as if I were in a derelict cathedral .
30 I studied piano , too , then trombone , but it was n't until someone at school turned up with a guitar which had been ‘ converted ’ into a bass that I really thought about the instrument .
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